POST: What do you do back home? (Kadoya, Courtney, Temperance, Yuri Lowell, Latvia, Abdullah, Kanda, Rosette, Chii, Yukinami, Raikou, Kyosuke, Maria, Mikah, Raidou, Leo)
Reassuring Abdullah.-
Merlin in the forest. Klavier
Mistletoe with Debra.-
Shigure and the banning of the Macarena.-
Santa's gone missing.-
Tribbles everywhere. (Courtney, Emil, Narumi)
Gift-giving with Haruka. Simon
The barrier shoots beams at Fou-Lou.-
Tribbles with Chii. Sugino
Zombie dinosaurs with Wanda.-
Merlin is noisy. Yorick
Mistletoe with Courtney.-
Ce'Nedra should not eat the Tuesday Soup.