Oct 03, 2005 21:59
Its weird...life is good right now...I can say I'm happy which I think has a lot to do with my music and how amazing it is to be writing songs that I feel so passionate about. I am so lucky, I really am. I feel so grateful to have the opportunity to wake up everyday with more musical ideas that just make me smile :) Everything is just good in life right now...even though I have ALOT of school work being a junior and all and Barroll has decided to teach music theory full time (which might i add I AM A RETARD IN) things are good...I'm very happy...I'm feeling very positive...and I'm feeling very lucky....music does that to me, especially when Im making my own.
Happy Rosh Hashannah to everyone who celebrates! and I hope no one was hurt by those devestating fires!
xxoxo Liza