Jun 13, 2008 10:43
Holy Shit! I am so proud of myself for waiting twelve whole hours and choosing not to be spoiled last night by reading the recaps from the LA screening. For this spoiler whore, that's progress. Unfortunately, I've been spoiled for months on the ending, which takes a lot away from its power. Of course, logic tells you two things: 1) there's 12 more episodes to go so there is no way this will be the ending and 2) this is frakkin' BSG! it gives with one hand and takes away with two -- everyone is happy so you know some dark shit is coming their way!
Of course, if that was the end to the show, I guess it would somehow be fitting. As far as I can tell there are two possibilities. The first is that it's not really Earth and they will keep searching. The second is that it is Earth and they have to deal with it. Would it even be inhabitable in its seemingly post-nuclear state? Would they want to stay? What do you do after you reach your end goal and how do you move on? With this show I can see the second option and dealing with the fallout for the rest of the show.
I'm talking about him first because he was simply made of awesome this episode. Wow, has he matured and come into his own as a leader. I think his handling of the crisis was pretty pitch-perfect. I loved seeing him go toe-to-toe with D'Anna and how he handled the whole stand-off. I loved his trying to comfort Adama and righteously taking out his anger on behalf of his father out on Tigh. That was quite a punch! So glad that he and Roslin have appeared (for now at least) to mend their relationship and how he was willing to cede power to her. I wasn't sure, though, where they stood. Are they co-Presidents now? I also loved seeing the three of them in Adama's quarters and Lee reaching out to Roslin to reach out to Adama. I'm glad she got through to him and brought him back from the ledge. Loved seeing the three of them bonding. It was a nice pay-off after all of the tension. Of course, the ending puts everything in a state of flux and who knows how everyone will react and how the dynamics will change.
I am ambivalent about the truce between the humans and this Cylon faction and the amnesty to the Final Four. I wish we had seen a little more on that. I haven't been on board the Cylon peace and love train because, hello, genocide! But, I think taking the Hub out put them on more equal footing. If it had been the other Cylon faction, I guess I would have had a lot more difficulty swallowing it. By the way, I assume there are 1s, 4s and 5s (and Boomer!) still out there somewhere. Ready to reappear at the worst possible time. Back to Lee, I am glad that if anyone was going to take the high road it was the humans and Lee led them there. That's a huge step for Mr. Cylon Hater. Plus, I have to love any decision that is, at its core, based on Lee's complete faith in Kara and their amazing connection. Oh, and there was definitely a very loaded look between Lee and Sam in the airlock. I can't imagine what must have been running through Lee's mind at that moment.
More shallow thoughts: Looking past the hair, there were several shots of Lee where he looked absolutely stunning. And while the jumping up on the console was pretty goofy, I kept hoping that while he was ripping off his jacket he'd go ahead and rip off the shirt as well. Oh well, don't blame me for wanting one last shot of the Bamceps! It's been way, way too long!
Loved that scene in the beginning and "Mr. Prez". They have obviously been together off-screen. Probably not romantically, but they are still connected. I loved how she was comforting him over Adama and while I would have loved some actual touching, it will do. Was Kara talking about the parents having to die for the children to come into their own foreshadowing? Of course, Lee seemed to come into his own just fine in this episode and Adama is still alive and kicking. But it was when Adama basically took himself out that Lee filled the gap and really assumed the leadership. So, in a way what Kara said at the beginning was fulfilled by the end. I love how it was Kara that persuaded Lee to make the decision for the truce. There is absolutely no one else who could have gotten through to him. So, in the end we're left with them still connected, stronger than ever, but seemingly in a platonic way. In the last scene when everyone is surveying the ruins Lee was walking over to where Kara was and, in my mind, was there to comfort her/seek comfort after the scene ended. At least this episode has teased a lot of possibilities that I hope will be fleshed out in fic.
I thought that Katee also looked stunning in this episode. Loved her reaction to finding out Sam was a Cylon. Didn't shoot him in the head, though, like she promised. It's all a lot more complicated then she thought it would be. I have no idea where the Kara/Sam relationship stands. She largely seems to ignore him and was pretty cold towards him at the beginning of the Viper scene. But that revelation obviously rocked her and she did look at him when they were talking about where do we go from here. And Sam approached her when they were heading to Earth like there was still hope, but then they weren't anywhere near one another on the planet. So, who knows? Like Lee, Kara has also seemed to come around on the Cylons or at least the need to work together. I have to say, though, while it did up the tension and I loved the music, the Kara running scene was ridiculous and cliched. Couldn't she find a phone?
Everyone else:
I'm running out of steam and time since work awaits me but brief thoughts on other characters. Tyrol seemed resigned to his fate, like he's given up and I can't help but hope that things look up for him during the second half of the season. Adama broke my heart and I can totally see Tigh being a Cylon -- the last thing anyone imagined could be true -- would finally push him over the edge. Loved seeing Lee and Roslin able to bring him back. Roslin was awesome and loved seeing her seem to be on better footing with Baltar and acknowledging Lee's leadership. It was really gracious of her to compliment his actions and she really seems to have taken the lessons from last episode to heart and let go of a lot of the anger and bitterness. Loved Gaius telling Tory she was crazy to assume Lee would back down. On the planet, Caprica ignored Baltar and moved to comfort Tigh -- looks like she's moved on. I have to say that if there is one character I am hoping meets her comeuppance, it's Tory. Please let Tyrol find out she killed Cally.
One final thought on the Fifth. Was D'Anna telling the truth that #5 was not in the Fleet? If she was, did she mean they were on the Basestar (Roslin, Baltar, Helo)? Or is it someone or something else? Perhaps someone who has already died? More importantly, will they ever be revealed? Too bad we have to wait so long to find out! But, I thought this half ended on quite the high note and was a great cap to the season.
I am taping tonight but won't have time until Sunday to rewatch and read reactions. So I'm just spewing all my thoughts out there now while I have a break at work. I'm really looking forward to reading everyone's thoughts on this one. And I'm really NOT looking forward to yet another long hiatus.
episode analysis