Feb 27, 2006 23:24
Theodore Sturgeon
US science fiction author (1918 - 1985)
Ok, so dear Emmett Kingsley (may his soul rest) died a little over a month ago from an illness known as ich. This is a bacteria which reproduces and takes over. The bacteria obviously infects the entire tank, so when there's an outbreak you have to clean everything. So, the point of this entry: we still haven't cleaned our tank. Yep. Emmett's little castle sits exactly where it did on the day he died, only it's a bit darker with bacteria and algae by now. And the white rocks are now yellow. And I can't really see all the way through the water. And the filter mysteriously turned off on its own a few weeks ago. On Valentine's Day Colleen got a dozen beautiful roses, but lo and behold college students living in a dorm don't exactly own a vase. But we do own an infested fish tank! So the roses sat in there for awhile before wilting and dieing of the same vicious killer that got Emmett - the ich. About a week and a half ago our room started smelling pretty bad. We didn't really know what it was and thought it was just something weird and temporary so for a few days we tried hiding it with lots of Febreze. As of today you can't walk into the room without gagging from a vomit-y mixed with mold smell. I'm seriously having trouble breathing through my nose as I type. And do you think we have any real intention of getting off our lazy asses to clean it soon? I'll give you one guess what the answer is.
So, moral of the story: Take care of your goddamn fish so it doesn't get ich and die. But if it does get ich and die, take care of the goddamn fish tank so it doesn't make YOU want to get ich and die.