...is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards."
Anatole France, The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard
French novelist (1844 - 1924)
So, I'm about to get involved in this program called the Pipeline Project, which is a K-12 outreach program here on campus that places college students in local public schools as tutors/mentors. You can do it just as community service, or attach it to a seminar to get credit for it. Anyway, I'm starting mine tomorrow (for the rest of this quarter I'm doing it as community service, and then I'll be getting 4 credits for it next quarter) and I'm kinda nervous. Tomorrow I just have a meeting with the teacher I'll be working with, but in the emails he sounds a bit cold. And I'm scared. I'll be tutoring 4/5 graders in reading and math. I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I've never done that before! I think I'll be ok in the reading, but I have no idea how to teach math. Or at least even explain it. I'm scared. This is what I want to do with my life - work with kids and teach them and awaken their passion for learning - but I don't feel like I should be doing it yet. I know I want to be involved in this program right now because it's the only thing I can do that has anything to do with what I want to do for the next years of my life. But I'm scared. I don't know. I guess interviews have always made me a bit nervous. And I'm scared for finding this place all on my own and using the bus and everything. God, I guess I really am growing up. I feel like I'm interviewing for my first real job or something. Which is stupid because I don't need an interview to get in or anything, I'm already doing it for sure. This is just kind of an orientation. But still. I don't know. We'll see how it goes.
Thanksgiving break went really well. It was really nice and relaxing to be back in a familiar environment and with people who I know care about me, and whom I care about. I got to see the Lion King, which was downright amazing. And I got to meet up with all the peeps at least once. I wish I would have gotten a bit more time with Becca and Andie, but at least I got to see them both. I'm disappointed with how the weekend ended (on a bad note), and I feel like none of it's really resolved, but that's ok. I'm just glad I got time with everyone. And it's only three more weeks until I get to go back home for Christmas! YES! Here's an excellent picture from the weekend, just to sum it up: