Summer... Where Does the Time Go?

Aug 02, 2005 16:42

My boyfriend is leaving for college in 14 days. His birthday is in 13. That means that in just 2 weeks, I won't see him for quite a while, being as he isn't planning on coming home for quite a while and (seeing as I don't have a car) I probably won't be able to go visit him very frequently. I am going to miss him. A lot. For those of you who have yet to realize it, I really do like Rich, and I have had so much fun getting closer to him this summer. Am I aware of how much long distance relationships suck? Yes. Am I sad that he's leaving? Yes. Am I worried that it won't work out? Yes. But. Right now, I couldn't be happier with him, and that is all that matters.

Rich makes me happy.

So. I intend to spend as much time with him as I can before he leaves for Eastern. I'm sorry if that means that lately every time someone has called me, "I'm with Rich." Its not that I'm avoiding you or ANYONE... its just that I'm trying to make the most of the next two weeks. Ok? Ok.

Now that I've said that... what the hell should I do about his birthday?!!! *Panic*


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