Just something I wrote...

Jan 26, 2005 08:34

Ignore the Rain

The storm approaches, so foreboding
Catching me while I'm reloding
Drowning me in endless tension
Flooding me with apprehension
Washing out my helpless cries
And darkening these midnight skies

I walk away and shut the door,
Don't want to feel it anymore.

So close the blinds and let me sleep
This water's cold, so dark and deep
I shut my eyes, you're all I see
Reaching out to rescue me
And if I die before I wake,
I'm begging you, for your own sake

Forget my fears, forget my pain
Forget my tears, ignore the rain

Just walk away and shut the door
For I don't feel it anymore.

This tempest threatens my survival
Delaying the sweet dawn's arrival
Drenching my poor soul with sadness
Urging me to end this madness
There's no shelter I can see
But please, my love, don't cry for me

Forget my fears, forget my pain
Forget my tears, ignore the rain

Just walk away and shut the door
For I don't feel it anymore.

The air is frigid, I grow numb
I waited, but you didn't come
I float here as time slips away
Regretting every yesterday
Its too late now, what's done is done
This torrent has eclipsed my sun

I forgot my fears, forgot my pain
Forgot my tears, ignored the rain

I walked away and shut the door
I can't feel anything, anymore...

Don't take it literally or anything, I'm not suicidal. I promise. I am just really confused and upset right now and it shows through in what I write. Writing has always been my "thing." My release. Everything I write, whether it is a poem, a story, or even a letter, tends to reflect the mood I am in at the time. This poem I wrote a little while ago, over Christmas break, after a particularly bad day. I actually really like it, despite the fact that its pretty depressing. Any oppinions/criticisms/comments/suggestions or whatever would be greatly appreciated. I love hearing what other people think of my writing... often times I'm just too shy to ask. That's something I've been working on overcoming (just like playing pool or DDR in public!)

I also just want to say thank you to everyone. Thank you for being there for me, I don't know where I would be without all of my friends. Thank you for listening, and for understanding. Thank you for listening even when you DON'T understand. Thanks for the smiles and the phone calls, and for all the little things that make a friendship worthwhile. It really means a lot to me. I know that I can talk to any of you if I ever need to. I hope that I can be as good a friend to each of you as you have been for me. I'm going to try.

And now I am going to sleep. This time I mean it. I need sleep. Lack of sleep has been a big part of the problem lately.


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