Yay, Wisconsin Rocks My Socks!

Apr 17, 2005 04:50

Today was really fun. Celia, Julie, and I went to Mad Town and picked up Jen when she got off work. Jen's place is above a shoe store and it has no buzzer, so the only way to tell someone up there that you are waiting outside is to call their cell phone and have them come open the door. I don't have my phone, Jules forgot hers in the car, and Cece didn't have Jen's number, so we didn't quite know how to get ahold of her. That meant we couldn't get in, which was a problem. Celia decided to call her mom, have Aunt Theresa call Aunt Pauline (Jen's mom) to get Jen's new cell number, then call us back so we could call Jen to come let us in. That seemed far too complicated, so I just looked up to the third floor, yelled "Jennifer Claire!" once (several people looked at me strangely for a minute) and voila. Jen came running down the stairs to let us in. Problem solved.

After that, we went dress shopping for Celia's prom dress. The four of us spent quite a while trying on the prettiest, most random, or most expensive dresses we could find, just for the hell of it. Twas fun. Ce fould an awesome, elegant blue dress that looked great on her, while the rest of us spent far too much time laughing at each other in crazy dresses and complaining about how much we hate our knees/thighs/hips/whatever. (Such typical girls!) Anyway, very entertaining.

Then we stopped for chocolate shakes, dropped Jen off back at her apartment, and headed back to Whitewater. We only had two near accidents, which is probably a record. (Jules isn't the greatest driver ever...) We got back a little after 9 (no bonfire as planned because it looked like it might rain) and discovered that my parents had just left all my stuff sitting in their living room. Hmm, guess I'm sleeping here tonight! :)

We thought that the night was over, but we were wrong. More fun to come! Tonight rocked beyond comprehension. Woohoo!

So, Julie goes to college in Milwaukee, so she rarely comes home to see her friends here in Whitewater. She was a little dissapointed because she had really wanted to see Tim, her best friend since middle school, but knew she wouldn't have time tomorrow morning. We had just walked through the door and were planning to settle in for the night when Tim called her. "Come to my dorm! I want to see you! You have company? Bring her too."

I've actually known Tim for years now, but I don't really know him that well. I used to see him almost every weekend or so, when I went up to the lake house and played with the Parker girls. At first, he didn't want anything to do with me because I was a girl (even though so is his best friend), then he avoided me because he liked me, then we stopped going up there so much, and then I went away for a year, so, its been quite a while since I've actually talked to him. Lol.

We drove over to his dorm (he goes to UW Whitewater, where my Dad went, right in town there) and Julie introduced me to Tim, Tim's roommate (also Tim), and several guys from the dorm. Three cheers for 6 guys and 2 girls cramming into a tiny, tiny dorm room that has a mini couch, one chair, a bunkbed, 2 desks, and virtually no floorspace. Woohoo! We sat around playing Halo 2 for a while and the people in the room just kept changing. The door was open, so all these guys just kept walking in, sitting/standing wherever there was an extra square inch, staying for a while, and then leaving again. After I'd been there for like 40 mins, all of the sudden Julie's Tim (sitting next to me) turns to me with his jaw open and exclaims, "Wait a minute, you're THAT cousin!" Julie and I laughed histerically. The look on his face was priceless. His roommate, Tim #2, started out the night quiet and looking slightly annoyed that Tim #1 had invited Julie over. It took me all of 2 minutes to realize that he doesn't like her that much. Julie says they never talk to eachother, and I said that that's probably the problem! He has a very sarcastic sense of humor and Jules is shy so I can see how they might not have hit it off right away. I started talking to him, though, turns out he's pretty cool. He losened up a lot and actually started having a good time. Julie was dumbstruck by how different he was acting by the end of the night. She stared at me afterwords and was like, "What did you DO to him? He was even being nice to ME!!" Ha, they even have plans to all hang out next time Julie's home.

At about 1:30, we all got reeally hungry, so we decided to fit 8 people into a 5 person car, and drive to Taco Bell for a snack. That was an adventure. After we ate, all the rest of the guys went back to their dorms except for one, so Tim, Tim, Eric, Julie and I started watching movies... until about 4-ish. Eric was incredibly shy, but Tim and Tim were great. Except for when Tim #2 made fun of me for being a "flatlander" from IL, or when Tim #1 kept teasing me about things that happened back when I was TWELVE! Lol. They both really remind me of 2 friends of mine.

Julie and I are both really hyper right now, but we should probably get some sleep. Lol. All in all, it was a pretty awesome day.

good times, family, wisconsin, trips

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