(no subject)

Feb 14, 2011 17:10

I FINALLY was able to get health insurance at the end of October. I made an appointment at the *beginning* of October, since I had proof of eligibility to come, and it still took until the end of January to actually be able to see my new primary care physician, because they're THAT backed up. She helped with some immediate problems, did the x-rays on my back and acknowledged the problem that clinc doctors have been ignoring for years (because they wouldn't do x-rays without insurance). She referred me to a PT. Because I have been struggling to keep up with suddenly being back in work AND school, and because its dark at night, I'm still scared to walk alone in the dark, and I don't have a car to drive anywhere, I haven't made the appointments yet. I was happy enough to know that my insurance WOULD cover them, and that when I had settled into my new schedule and was comfortable adding in a new variable again, I COULD go. It was a huge weight off my shoulders. For the first time in years, I have not felt helpless. When I cracked my rib in December... I could GO to the ER without feeling like the world was ending. Someone listened to me, examined me, and acknowledged that there is a medical reason why I am in pain all the time - unlike the clinic doctor last summer who unceremoniously told me "23 year olds don't have acute lower back pain. You're either seeking drugs, or you're depressed because you have no support system." I thought all of that was behind me, and I felt GOOD about it.

Now the governor is planning to take away my health insurance. I got one ER visit, one physical with a PCP, and if I'm lucky and able to move really quickly I might get a little PT in before his proposal passes.

Then it's right back to being an uninsured adult, like I have been since senior year.

Fuck you, Scott Walker. I was finally getting my shit together. Oh, and the National Guard does not exist just to cover your ass because you're a DOUCHE BAG to state employees. Why don't we cut YOUR salary, and YOUR pension, and YOUR health insurance, and YOUR job security while we're at it? Asshole.

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