Oh Baby, OH BABY!

Apr 21, 2009 21:17

Guys! Kyle is going to be an uncle again.

...but this time, its the other brother. If I've never explained the Cory-Stephanie dynamics on here before, this is not a good thing. See, Cory and Steph hate each other. They sleep together (clearly), get drunk/high together, and occasionally do other couple-y things, but for all practical purposes, they are mortal enemies. Two weeks ago, she decided she never wanted to see him again and declared that she was moving to California. Then she apparently realized that, oh yeah, she's almost three months pregnant! They had an ultrasound done and everything, otherwise I'd be hoping for a false alarm... which wouldn't be that surprising, since she's really not that bright.

I don't mean to sound uncharitable, but Cory and Steph are two of the least intelligent people I have ever met.  Seriously. Cory is 24 and has no intention of moving out. He has worked the same job since graduating (DEAD LAST IN HIS CLASS, no less) from high school, with no plans to improve his situation, and he is a legitamate alcoholic. Not kidding.  He likes to punch things, drive drunk, and scream at his girlfriend, among other things.

Steph JUST turned 21, and is the most ridiculous, childish, self-centered girl who has ever lived. Oh, and she's a binge drinker, too. When Kyle and I are at home, one or both of them is usually passed out on the floor. Or vomitting. Its lovely--not to mention oh so healthy for their unborn child.

Kyle's entire family hates Steph, despite the fact that she currently lives in Cory's room as she has been kicked out of her own house for unrelated issues. Cory frequently tells anyone who will listen (us, his parents, his friends, strangers, even Stephanie) that the only reason he stays with her is because she's fun to bang.

Cory wants Steph to have an abortion. (Although at three months I'm not even that's legal.) Steph wants to keep the baby. Kyle's padres wants them to consider putting the child up for adoption, and have made it quite clear that although it is not their decision what happens with the child,  they will NOT have the baby living in their house, nor will they support Cory and Steph (who are broke and owe them money) financially, and are firmly against any thoughts of marriage since, like I said, they HATE each other. They have made it clear that although they love Cory very much, things will have to change and they will NOT raise this child for them.

[Frankly, if they keep the baby, I think it WILL end up at Kyle's house, regardless, but that's just me.]

Steph's mom had a fit, and she has decided not to TELL her dad... who lives in California. I guess she thinks he won't ever notice. (Again, not that smart.)

Kyle doesn't know what to think about any of this, and quite frankly neither do I. I am in shock that they were dumb enough to not use protection, since neither of them wanted kids in the first place.  I just can't imagine this going anywhere good. I know I would love the baby no matter what, but I'm torn. On the one hand, there is no way that they are ready to raise a child. On the other, giving away the baby would be so hard... on everyone.

The worst part is, its not the baby's fault at all... but he/she will be the one to suffer no matter what happens. And after everything that has happened with Ethan--a very, very WANTED child--I don't even want to think about how this will affect Kyle's family in the long run... especially if the baby has developmental problems due to Stephanie's drinking (AND SMOKING, both cigs and weed, AND dropping acid at least once) for the first three months of pregnancy. There is a very, very real potential for serious issues... which is scary as hell.  Especially after watching the "what-ifs" tear everyone apart when Ethan was (and although unlikely at this point, potentially still is) in question developmentally.
Its just a bad, bad situation. I'm at a total loss.

The almost humorous irony of this whole thing is that Kyle and I just watched Juno two nights ago and had a whole conversation about what we thought our parents would say if we got pregnant.  Kyle's impression of his dad's reaction? "Damn. Well, at least its not your brother."

I thought that was pretty funny at the time...

In other, more exciting and totally positive baby-related news... my cousin April had twins today around 1 pm! One 5 pound boy, Parker Charles, and one 4 pound girl, Genevieve Elizabeth.  She had a c-section, and we don't know much about how April is doing yet, but there weren't any complications so she should be fine. And the babies are healthy. Parker is in the regular nursery, and Gen (which is somehow and already established nickname) is in intensive because of her weight, but has no signs of issues as of yet. :)

For those of you who didn't know or don't remember me explaining, April is the one who two years ago passed out at work, bleeding heavily from her uterus. She went into shock and was rushed to the hospital, where doctors realized that she had had an unknown tubular pregnancy, which ultimately shredded a filopian tube and led to sever trauma (and I'm pretty sure, infection) in her uterus. She had to have the tube removed, thus losing the whole ovary, and causing even more trauma to the uterus.

She and her husband had been trying to have a baby, but she was still getting her period and so had no clue she was actually pregnant.

The doctors told her that she would most likely not be able to have children. They were devestated.

So, on the same day that we find out about what could be a tragedy... we get a pretty wonderful miracle as well.

My emotions are ALL over the map right now...

family, rants, babies

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