
Mar 17, 2005 18:51

Why do I procrastinate so much??? I hate that, even though sometimes it turns out to be vastly entertaining. Today I proved once again that I am the world's best (or worst, depending on how you look at it...) BS'er. That speech for Spanish NHS that Madame Castensen asked me to start working on like a month ago... the one that had to be done today by 3 o'clock... definitely wrote it in lunch, in one of the practice rooms. I never even read through it at all before showing it to her. But I got it done! Woo hoo! Not only that, SHE LIKED IT!! She said it was passionate and very nice. :) I said that I might still "tweak" it a little, and by that I meant rewrite the entire thing this weekend so that it is actually up to my standards. Its nothing special or anything, but there were some things about it that I wanted to add/take away/fix/whatever. I read Courtney's and her's is really good. Its funny. Oh, and Courtney, when I was reading it outloud, I definitely made the last part up as I went. She didn't even notice! So. Thats pretty much done. The induction ceremony is on Monday.

Moving on. Prom is defintiely causing a stir at school, lately. No doubt about that. Apparently Rich is pissed at Kari (he has NO right to be!) and Andy is suposedly a little upset with Courtney. Hmm. Well, I don't know Andy at all, but I know Rich well enough. One of the things that bothers me about him is how he naturally assumes that the world revolves around him. Has anyone but me noticed that he isn't interested at all when someone is interested in him, but as soon as he thinks they might be "moving on" he suddenly cares much more? Example: Rich and I broke up, I tried really hard to stay friends but he just wasn't interested. He assumed that I still liked him and that he could get me back at any time. Then, after 2 months of Rich ignoring me, Jordan asks me out. The very next day, Rich wants to be friends again. He's sorry, etc. Coincidence? Maybe. Then, Kari basically asks him to prom and he tells multiple people (including myself, hows that for awkward?!!) that he doesn't want to go with her. He made that decision quite clear. So, Kari asks Dingo and all of the sudden Rich has decided that he really WOULD like to go with her. Now he's angry because she has another date. Kari, all I can say is that his reaction just proves even further that he is NOT the right choice. Rich is a good guy (for the most part) and I think you would have had fun with him, but... Dingo is certainly the better choice. And the better man in general. No contest. I hope you guys have a great time. Courtney and Jeff, I hope you two have a great time, as well. :)


I'm annoyed with my mother at the moment, in a superficial sort of way. Internet isn't working on the other computer right now (not that I like that one much anyway) so there is only one that works, not counting Dad's off-limits laptop. She won't help me fix it! Anyway, I was online talking to a few people and she kicks me out. I reeeally wanted/needed to talk to a certain person! Gah! Two people, actually. Naturally, they both signed on RIGHT before I had to get off, and just as naturally, they were both gone by the time my mom finished. So there goes that.

friends, activities, rich

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