My Little Rant...

Feb 24, 2005 16:38

I've been thinking a lot about relationships lately and I've decided that as highschool students we need to revert to a system of non-exclusive dating, like back in the day when someone could go out to a movie with "Johnny" Friday night, eat dinner with "Tom" on Saturday evening, and spend Sunday afternoon with "Billy Joel," without feeling guilty or getting a bad reputation. That's how life outside of the K-12 schools is, isn't it? Highschool relationships (with a few rare exceptions) are basically just practice for real life, anyway. Very few people get "serious" in highschool. Three cheers for those that do, but for everybody else, why do we have to be so... I don't even know. Gah!

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but this is basically what I have been noticing: nowadays, when a guy and a girl like eachother, there is some mutual flirting, maybe some group activities with mutual friends, and then all of the sudden they are "going out." Going out where?!! Half the time people don't even GO anywhere at all! They just label themselves as boyfriend and girlfriend, and then jump straight into an exclusive relationship. Then they might actually start going on "dates." I don't just mean fancy nights out on the town, either. I just mean spending one-on-one time together and figuring out where exacly your feelings stand. Think about it, how many couples do you know of that had a first official date AFTER they started going out. Quite a few.

Am I the only one that thinks that's a little backwards? I mean common! Doesn't it make more sense to date a few people first, figure out who it you have a connection with, and after dating someone for a while, to THEN say "ok, I'm ready for an exclusive bf/gf relationship with Joe Shmoe"? Call me old fashioned, but I think the whole "just going out" before the "going steady" thing sounds like a good idea. We are 16, 17, 18 years old, why do we insist on trying to find our "soul mates" in science class?!!

People's emotions should not be taken lightly, and no one likes a broken heart, but I don't see why everyone gets so uptight about relationships. Asking someone out on a simple date should not be such a huge issue, nor should people hold collosal grudges after breaking up. We aren't five, guys.

Sorry if I sound like I'm ranting. I am a little frustrated at the moment, in case you haven't noticed.

Oh, and yes Jordan DID ask me out last night for those of you who don't already know. It kinda came outta nowhere. Just for clarification, he did NOT ask me to be his girlfriend, he just asked if I would like to go out sometime. I haven't had a chance to talk to him yet as he is in jazz ensamble and wind symphony and they are on the trip today. No, I still don't know what I am going to say. Dating Jordan could be interesting, but I don't know if I really want to do that. Especially considering he and Lauren just broke up 10 days ago. Besides, its Jordan! I love Jordan and I've known him for seven or eight years now, but I've never really considered being more than good friends... much to my mother's disapointment. Oh yeah, my mom loves Jordan. Actually, she loves all three Palmers but especially Jordan because she knows him a little better. My parents CONSTANTLY ask me why I have never dated any of the Palmers. My answer? Uh... because its the Palmers!

So really, I don't know. Everything is a little complicated. After all, lets not forget the fact that Rich still hates me (although he finally took down the messages on his profile indirectly calling me a bitch!) and he and Jordan are really good friends. Yeah.

Plus, this whole dating thing is still pretty new to me. Believe it or not, I'm shy! My longest bf-gf relationship ever lasted 2 months. Oh wait, did I say longest??? I meant ONLY. Yeah. I had been asked out many times before, but I never said yes. Then all of the sudden this year everything changed. I have been asked out more in the past 6 months than in the rest of my life combined. My head hurts. I quit.

Kari, I know I just made a comment to you a few days ago regarding guys, but I think I may be changing my mind. Guys are too confusing!

friends, guys, love, rich

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