(no subject)

Feb 10, 2005 12:49

Hello everybody. I hope you are all having a wonderful day. I'm not. I stayed home today because

A. I feel horrible. My head is killing me. I have no idea what is wrong, but I have finally convinced my mother that I AM sick and not just messing around. Depending on her case load, she is either going to take me to a doctor today or tomorrow to try and figure out why I can't seem to get over this stupid, stupid cold. Seriously, its been almost 3 weeks now and I still feel like crap. Gah. I hate being sick.

B. I am in a really, really bad mood. Yes I know thats no excuse for missing school, but at this point in time I really don't care. Yesterday was a terrible, terrible day.

Example: (after a highly vocal, entirely pointless argument regarding enchiladas)

Dad (to Mom): "Fine! Bitch." (Storms out of kitchen)
Mom: "You are so juvenile!"
Me: "Why do you let him do that? I hate this! I cannot live with that man any more!"
Mom: "That man is your father and you will respect him!"
Me: "Oh, you mean like he respects me? Like he respects you? That man is a jackass!"
(Enter my father the jackass)
Dad: (more screaming and yelling... etc, etc, etc. I'm sure you get the point.)

Ok, so maybe calling my father a jackass while he was still within hearing distance wasn't exactly the smartest thing I could have done. Then again, I'm not exactly the smartest person in the world when I am really, really angry. Results of another stupid fight en casa Zine? Aside from a broken plate and an entire meal that no one even touched, my father and I are not speaking to each other (again) and I have no cell phone or TV for a month. Hmmm... I feel like I'm forgetting something... Oh yeah. And no computer. As you can see it is another punishment that has proven very effective. When he announced my punishment (for disrespecting my father, aka the King of the World) I just stared at him and stated quite calmly that there is absolutely nothing he can take away from me that could possibly hurt me nearly as much as he already has. (Thats when he broke the plate, in case you were wondering.) I have no idea how my mom is reacting, because she refuses to talk about it. Ever. I do know that I am so tired of putting up with this crap. I have no options, though, at least not for 2 more years.

Hmmm, I should probably be going seeing as my loving father just pulled into the driveway. He has no idea I'm home, and with any luck he will leave again and it will stay that way. I'm off to take a much needed nap.

stress, dad, rants

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