Jun 08, 2006 15:01
I am currently covered in white house paint. Gotta make this post fast so I can get it all scrubbed off before work. Pictures later.
Dad finally got me to overcome my shyness and visit the EcoStation where I want to work. They were very kind, and gave me a tour. They're going to have a lot of neat things there. Frilled lizards, iguanas, boas, pythons, crocodilians, birds, lots of tropical fish, a serval, and perhaps a bobcat, to name a few.
I mentioned the art thing. Yes, the man remembered me. "I saw your paintings online. You like painting animals, I noticed. You did the cuttlefish, right?" Yes, yes I did. Professor Brown, I'm baking you a cake, you lovely lady.
I needed to make a bid to paint a mural, and there are a few already taken. One artist is coming tomorrow, and they hadn't gotten the wall primed yet. "Do you mind painting the wall? I know it's not very artistic." Yes, YES! ANYTHING!
An hour later, he comes to check on me. He's impressed with how fast I work. Other people stop by, too. The manager brings me a fan. Two and a half hours later, I have to leave to get scrubbed up. I apologize for not finishing the last coat of paint (it needed several). He turns to the manager, "She's volunteering her time and she's apologizing!" She laughs.
We talked for a little bit. He can't hire me right away, but the art section might be able to. He can introduce me to the person in charge of hiring. Do I want to do it now? Covered in paint? I joke that it's not a great first impression. He tells me that volunteering my time out of the blue to paint a wall is a GREAT first impression. He really seems to want to get me hired somewhere into the system.
I'm stopping by with my portfolios tomorrow. Oh God.