Meme time!

Aug 17, 2005 10:14

Taken from Dyani on DeviantArt.

1. Nervous Habits:
I pace or bounce my leg.

2. Are you double jointed:
My right thumb is. Yet another thing that confuses my doctor.

3. Can you roll your tongue:
Yup, both ways.

4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time:
My right eyebrow, kinda. Just barely.

5. Can you blow spit bubbles:
Teeny ones.

6. Can you cross your eyes:

7. Tattoos:
None right now. If I designed one I really thought I could live with for the rest of my life and I had the money, I might.

8. Piercings:
My ears. I used to have two per ear, but that ended quickly. *pouts*

9. Do you make your bed daily:
AHAHAHahahah... no.

10. Which shoe goes on first:
Left, usually.

11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone:
Once, but it was more over them, so they'd have to run to get it.

12. On the average, how much money do you carry:
Uh, generally I try to have around $20. But a lot of times it's closer to $4.

13. what jewelry do you wear 24/7?:
Not exactly 24/7, but my rings, watch, and goggles.

14. Favorite piece of clothing:
Hmmm... I've got this really pretty green steampunk-ish dress that I love. As far as an everyday item, I love my homemade Halo shirt.

15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it:
Twirl it, unless it gets unmanageable.

16. Have you ever eaten Spam:
Not that I'm aware of. o.0

17. Favorite ice cream flavor:
Uhhh, either mint chip or Swiss orange chip. Mmmmmm...

18. How many cereals in your cabinet:
I try to make sure there's at least two cereals I like in there.

19. What's your favorite beverage:
Augh, that's hard. Either limeaide or virgin strawberry daquiris, but I haven't had one of those in a while. There's a bunch of other drinks I really like, too.

20. What's your favorite restaurant:
Atmosphere-wise, Macaroni Grill. You can draw on the tablecloth, and they applaud every time a waiter drops a plate. Food-wise, too many come to mind.

21. Do you cook:
I have a limited selection that I can cook, but I bake a bit, too.

22. How often do you brush your teeth:
Twice a day..

23. Hair drying method:
Roll the windows down in the car.

24. Have you ever colored / highlighted your hair:
Yes, and I miss it terribly.

25. Do you swear:
I try not to in certain crowds, but I will when I'm in certain moods.

26. Do you ever spit:
I think the last time I spit was because I ended up with a huge chunk of wasabi in my mouth.

27. Animal:
Armadillos, vultures, and gulper eels. Don't ask me to choose.

28. Food:
The chocolate peanut butter oatmeal cookies I make.

29. Month:
Bleh, June or October. I dunnow.

30. Day:
Friday. Or Saturday.

31. Cartoon:
Uhhh... I haven't been watching as much recently. Space Ghost, I guess. And if this gal ever makes the big time, I'm all over her.

32. Shoe Brand:
Ack, pfft.

33. Subject in school:
It's... IT'S....!!! Art. Holy crap.

34. Color:
Bright lime green.

35. Sport:
Eh, no. ...Is video gaming considered a sport?

36. Show:
X-Play or Mythbusters.

41. In the CD player:
Modest Mouse "This a Long Drive for Someone With Nothing to Think About".

42. Person you talk on the phone with most:
Rhi. *shrugs*

44. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows:
Strange, I don't see my reflection in windows much.

45. What color is your bedroom:
White, with a black and white checkered floor. It's hard to tell, though. ^^

47. Window seat or aisle:
Window seat!!!

48. What's your sleeping position:
Either side, curled up so that my pillow becomes unnessecary.

49. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket:
Nah, although I'm using one now because the AC is WAY too powerful.

50. Do you snore:
Not that I'm aware of.

51. Do you sleepwalk:
No, thank goodness.

52. Do you talk in your sleep:
I don't think so.

53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals:

54. How about with the light on:
I have an armadillo nightlight that's plugged in because it's cute, but not required. Too much light makes it hard to sleep.

55. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on:
I used to, but it's not required.


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