You scored as Either. You brain is neither specifically male nor female in the way you perceive things. As bad as this sounds it can easily mean that you are capable of combining both gender aspects to your advantage. Rather than being genderless you are possibly able think freely. This does not mean that you are bisexual or androgynous or indecisive, but it might.
Should you be MALE or FEMALE?*created with
I had two seperate kids, one on the bus ride to "Chuck E. Cheese's" and one on the way back, try to talk to me about God and the nature of heaven and hell. I wouldn't be so surprised about this, except that both times it came out of the blue. One minute we're talking about how big a blue whale is or what we're doing next Wednesday, and the next I've got a kid asking me how they can best accept Jesus into thier heart. All I could do is give them neuteral answers, tell them to talk to thier Sunday school teacher, and try not to look utterly befuddled. Even if I were Christian, I'd still be terrified to answer because it seems like each church has a slightly different way of seeing things, and the last thing I want is a nasty letter from a parent about me teaching thier kids the wrong things.
If I do end up teaching elementary zoology, they're getting evolution, dammit.
And Chuck's was as terrifying as it sounds. Screaming children, flashing lights, the whole shebang. And guess what? 13 days from now, we'll be taking them to Marine World. I'm partially thrilled (dammit, my group's getting the marine bio tour. I'll warn them ahead of time, I promise...), and partially terrified. I'm assuming that the directors have a plan, but they haven't let us in on it.
...Speaking of things the directors haven't let us in on yet, I STILL don't know what site I'm being transferred to. ARGH. We were supposed to find out last Friday.
Umm... tonight is DreamLAN with Tucker. Must find the ninja-flipping CPR certification info so I can find the place on Saturday. ARGH ARGH ARGH.