Jul 15, 2006 15:42
Wah, the EcoStation directors and founders came up from Southern California, and I got to talk to all of them. They're very nice, if a tiny bit batty. The founder herself makes me think of what Hollywood movie directors are shown to be like. She was very nice to me, though. Basically, I wandered around and mentioned to everyone who might even loosely be responsible for that sort of thing that I would love to work for EcoStation, including the two STAR camp directors.
The caimans (the crocodilians that we had been waiting for) came in so late that they had to be delivered to the hotel everyone was staying at. They're pretty nifty, but I like Rufus the tegu better because he's HUGE and he loves everyone.
In the bird room, my little friend (who is a Sengal parrot) has been tenatively named Jackson, although now they think he may be a she. He/she loves to be petted and scritched on the head.
Chabo (I think that's how his name is spelled) is the giant macaw that dances and screams "hello!" at people. His favorite game is "let's make the human have a heart attack and go deaf at the same time".
Samson is the "dirty bird". I didn't quite belive it yesterday, but this morning I got to hear part of his vocabulary, which includes "crap!", "what the fuck?", "fuck you!", and the like. Luckily, he's fairly quiet and has a thick parroty accent, so unless you know what you're listening for, you can kind of glaze over it.
Ginger is a beautiful white cockatoo, who loves to "dance" (as long as she has a human who is willing to do the dance with her) and say "Hi Ginger!". This is hilarious, because Ginger is male, and was obviously taught to say this by a woman with a Southern drawl. (Imagine a high-pitched voice saying "Hi, Gin-jah!"). He seems to have picked up a tiny bit of Samson's vocabulary, unfortunately.
Jade isn't talky but she is beautiful and friendly. She makes cute happy noises when she's eating.
Err... end of bird ramble. On to the the artist, Chris. I did indeed show him my portfolio, and he liked it! Heehee, how awesome. He's actually, I think, a little younger than me, and he's just getting into movie special effects. He's working on freaking Aliens vs. Predator 2! Hooray for meeting people in the movie industry. He actually treated me as a professional and an equal, which flabbergasts me.
Anyhow, the opening went well (except for the croc pond leaking and making a mess right as the crowd came in), and I am totally enamored.