Name(s): Rachel, simsforaranya Other journals/blogs (tumblr, dw, ts3 profile): jessalie_aranya. I have a dreamwidth but I cannot figure out how to link DW accounts. XD Age: 22 Location: New Zealand TS2 or TS3: I mainly play TS2, but I have TS3. I play occasionally, but don't share the pics, because my graphics in that game are TERRIBLE. Favorite challenge (legacy, prosperity, apocolypse): YAY LEGACIES. But other than that, xenophilia challenges (there is a link to the challenge in all my Seahorse story updates, btw). Do you have other fandoms you love?: I have been in a Pern fanfic club for longer than I've been on LJ, but that is the only one I keep up with. Other hobbies: Quilting, crocheting, writing not-sims stuff, baking, reading more books than sane people. Favorite movie(s) / game(s) / song(s) / food(s) / book(s): Movies: The Princess Bride, How to Train Your Dragon, Star Wars. Games: Pharaoh and Cleopatra, Lego Star Wars, The Hobbit. Songs: Prelude 12/21 by AFI, Thunder by Nuttin But Stringz. Many others that are on my ipod but my ipod is in the car
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She has written so many it is kind of hard to say yes or no, lol. So I'll go by series!
Pern - most popular, by far. TECHNICALLY sci-fi, but it doesn't feel like it, except for a few books. Basic plotline is people came to a planet, but due to various things, life devolved to a medieval society...with dragons! Most of the books take place about 2000 years after Landing.
Acorna - yes, indeed. Aliens and unicorns and timetravel oh my.
Talent (both Pegasus and Tower and Hive series) - Yes. The three Pegasus books tell about the founding of the FT&T - Federated Telepath and Teleports. The Tower books are the same universe, set much later.
*glances at bookshelf for reference*
Yah know? Yeah, most are sci-fi. There are a few, like No One Noticed the Cat (fantasy) and Black Horses for the King (King Arthur-ish), but most of them are sci-fi. Except for Pern, which is hard to class. She has written so many series. XD
Pern sounds REALLY interesting to me. I'm going to check the bookshelf in the spare room and see if she has those. ^.^ The others do too. Reading those descriptions I definitely see why my sister likes those books so much, those are exactly her type of book!
PERN IS AWESOME. But I may be a little bit biased, as my mom was addicted to the series long before I was born, and then when I was 12, she read me and my brothers White Dragon (so she could edit out the sex bits tehe), and that was the end. XD
Also, must squee that new Tiffany book is coming out this year. *bouncebouncebounce* I don't get to squee about this nearly enough, not knowing enough TP fans. XD
Other journals/blogs (tumblr, dw, ts3 profile): jessalie_aranya. I have a dreamwidth but I cannot figure out how to link DW accounts. XD
Age: 22
Location: New Zealand
TS2 or TS3: I mainly play TS2, but I have TS3. I play occasionally, but don't share the pics, because my graphics in that game are TERRIBLE.
Favorite challenge (legacy, prosperity, apocolypse): YAY LEGACIES. But other than that, xenophilia challenges (there is a link to the challenge in all my Seahorse story updates, btw).
Do you have other fandoms you love?: I have been in a Pern fanfic club for longer than I've been on LJ, but that is the only one I keep up with.
Other hobbies: Quilting, crocheting, writing not-sims stuff, baking, reading more books than sane people.
Favorite movie(s) / game(s) / song(s) / food(s) / book(s): Movies: The Princess Bride, How to Train Your Dragon, Star Wars. Games: Pharaoh and Cleopatra, Lego Star Wars, The Hobbit. Songs: Prelude 12/21 by AFI, Thunder by Nuttin But Stringz. Many others that are on my ipod but my ipod is in the car ( ... )
Pern - most popular, by far. TECHNICALLY sci-fi, but it doesn't feel like it, except for a few books. Basic plotline is people came to a planet, but due to various things, life devolved to a medieval society...with dragons! Most of the books take place about 2000 years after Landing.
Acorna - yes, indeed. Aliens and unicorns and timetravel oh my.
Talent (both Pegasus and Tower and Hive series) - Yes. The three Pegasus books tell about the founding of the FT&T - Federated Telepath and Teleports. The Tower books are the same universe, set much later.
*glances at bookshelf for reference*
Yah know? Yeah, most are sci-fi. There are a few, like No One Noticed the Cat (fantasy) and Black Horses for the King (King Arthur-ish), but most of them are sci-fi. Except for Pern, which is hard to class. She has written so many series. XD
Also, must squee that new Tiffany book is coming out this year. *bouncebouncebounce* I don't get to squee about this nearly enough, not knowing enough TP fans. XD
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