So I knew that I said I wouldn't post here much anymore, but I wanted to get this out to Beloit, and other people that might read this jounral, but that might not read
Due to an epic miscommunication--the gorey details of which I won't go into--there isn't money for me to go to UChicago next year, and while we haven't explored massive debt-going-into strategies, I don't think that that would be prudent. As a result, I'm going to spend the next year in St. Louis, my hometown, taking classes to stave off existing and minor student loans, and preparing to apply again to graduate school in hopes of getting in to (better) grad-school once again.
This will include:
- Taking Classes at Webster, for free. I'm at the moment, excited by this. Because my father is the undergraduate advisior I'm already enrolled in classes. Sigh. The are: psycholingustics, the psychology of adulthood and aging, and contemporary linguistics (an english class), and maybe a fem theory class (ha!) or something else.
- Talking about working as a research assistant/intern for a social work professor that I knew. Maybe. It's an idea.
- Taking a GRE prep class so I can have super sexy GRE scores.
- Getting A Car of My Own, so I can be a real person again, and maybe visit folk in urbana, nashville, and chicago (I also think that there needs to be a roadtrip to philly/harrisburg at some point.)
- Putting a window in my room at home.
- Yarn Store/Knitting Teaching maybe. I'm also going to look into the possibility of continuing to do some very limited work for my current employer, but I'll probably need to do a little bit of additional work.
- continue to write fiction, because I'm cool like that. I wrote the first 100 words of a new novela today btw.
I'm pretty broken up about it still, and I have some futile (but mostly aimless) anger. Understandably, I think, about the whole thing. In the end, not going into debt over this mess, seems to be a good option, and it's not like I won't be taking classes that I'm not into. Also, the boy will be in st. louis next year, which will be different, at the very least.
ps. read this week's
station keeping.