Legacy2020 is a journal dedicated to a
Mutants & Masterminds/
DC Adventures campaign set in an alternate DC Universe.
In this particular parallel earth, superheroes emerged in the early 20th Century, then aged in real time, interacting with each other and the world around them, having children and grandchildren and passing on their legacies.
The idea owes something to John Byrne's
Generations, of course -- but at least as much to the personal campaigns described by Champions creator
Steve Perrin and his cohort Aaron Allston. Originally, I'd planned to incorporate large swaths of Byrne's timeline into my own, but as things progressed, I eventually wound up rejecting most of the details. Such similarities that remain come from our use of common source material.
I also made a point of trying to incorporate as many events from the mainstream comics into the Legacy timeline as I could muster -- at first, just the big
Crisis Crossovers, but, as time progressed,
more obscure and bizarre examples.
To my surprise, most of current DC continuity makes more sense when viewed through the Legacy "lens"-at least to me. That's the seduction of fan-fiction, isn't it?
The first campaign in this setting focused on Gotham City in the year 2020. It was a solo game, whose only PC was
gatewalker's version of a future Robin in a world without a Batman. It's currently on hiatus, but may be revisited eventually. Posts specific to this campaign will be tagged "Gotham 2020".
The current campaign is set in the present day (2011, as of this edit). It's centered around
Gateway City, a
Fictionopolized" version of San Francisco, and the surrounding communities of the Gateway Bay Area, including
Terminal City,
Silicon Valley, and
Coppertown. Other West Coast locations important to the campaign will include the Coast City Crater and the desolate, half-abandoned regions surrounding it.
This entry is post-dated to keep it at the top of the journal. If this is your first visit, then you should
start at the beginning There are going to be some filtered Spoiler posts that I want to keep from my (one) player, so I friended a few people who know fanfic, comics, or both, in hopes that my first tentative forays into fanfic might prove amusing. If you want to see the Sooper Seekrit Spoiler Stuff, add a comment to this post!
Different kinds of posts will be distinguished by different icons:
Setting the Stage: background information, timelines, and so forth.
Behind the Scenes: How I put the background together, the decisions I made, the shout-outs and homages to canon continuity.
The Adventures of Robin: 2020! Summaries of actual game sessions.
You know, I need to change this.
Spoiler Warning!! Posts that reveal details of the setting and Big Story Arc. Filtered to keep the players from inadvertantly stumbling across them; LJ-Cut for those In The Know who'd still rather not know until the Big Reveal.
Player Characters and Supporting Cast: Who they are, and how they came to be.
Game Mechanics: Nitty-gritty
wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey gamey-geeky stuff. Character sheets for villains and allies, mostly. LJ-Cut out of consideration for those who have no interest in M&M unless it has a hard candy shell.
Welcome aboard, and I hope you have as much fun as I've been having!
Legacy2020 is a Mutants & Masterminds campaign set in an alternate DC Universe. This non-commercial transformative work is in no way is intended to violate the intellectual property rights of the creators and copyright holders.