Update to my friends only notice:
My journal used to be a place where I just expressed my thoughts about things. That is to say, I lived a fairly simple existence that I didn't mind anyone reading about. I lived in my mind. Things have gotten a bit complicated since that stage of my life. My journal is comprised of my thoughts, yes, but also my secrets, my longings, my desires, my doings, and my want-to-doings. It is therefore necessary for me to not only have a friends only notice but to compartmentalize my LJ friends into groups. Some friends will have complete access to everything I write, minus the occasional completely private entry, which we all have. Some friends will have access to everything non-sexual and others maybe even more limited. These categories are fluid--not permanent--and serve as barriers until I get to know you better through your journal.
I'm not doing this for the purpose of exclusivity--after all, my LJ friends can attest that my life is not that interesting. But, for the sake of my privacy and my sanity, I'm compartmentalizing.
If you'd like to be friended, leave a comment here. I have no problem getting to know new people. However, if you friend me and do not comment, there is zero chance that I'll friend you back. A note as simple as "let's be friends" will suffice to let me know that this is your intention.
Comments in this post are screened/invisible.
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