May 29, 2009 18:15
I'm doing a project (due Monday, and I just started) about queering social dance. I'm defining that as anything that defies the male lead/female follow norms. Men in skirts counts as queering as well, as does all genderswitching, etc. While people may not do this to be political it has political ramifications, such as increasing acceptance of queer dancers, expanding gender expression, and in all challenging gender norms. In my experience, most people who "queer" social dance are heterosexual, and do not necessarily think about their dance gender as related to their regular gender.
What kind of people queer social dance? Why do they do it? Are they really creating more acceptance for queer people? Is age a factor? If you do this, do you experience strange looks from others? Do you enjoy that? How do you attach or disassociate your gender and sexuality from your dance expression?
Any thoughts, stories, insights, or commentary on this would be awesome.
P.S.- I'll be back in the bay area in two weeks.
queering social dance