Das Leben in einer Kleinstadt (life in a small city)

Jan 30, 2009 22:49

The past few days have been fairly quiet. sourtrout has been home, getting better from his cold/sinus infection. Yesterday Rosebud and I took a stroll in downtown Penzberg with our friend Jeremy and his daughter Abby. We visited the Wochenmarkt (the weekly market), and although I was very tempted by some of the fresh food items, I didn't purchase anything. One of the stands that I was particularly interested in was the Geflügelhof - a stand that offers fresh poultry from a local poultry farm. I may need to go back and purchase some Entenbrust (duck breast) because it is fairly inexpensive and as fresh as it can be.

We also walked to the Penzberger Musikschule (music school), where I inquired about a baby music class. There isn't one for her age range being offered in Penzberg, as there were too few children to enroll, but we have been invited to participate in the class for the next age (1 1/2 to 3, I think). The class starts on Monday, and I'm very much looking forward to it.

In the afternoon, the hotel staff came to clean our room so we went to the hotel restaurant for lunch. It specializes in Croatian specialties - think lots of grilled meats. It was quite delicious and a treat.

So, Penzberg is one of the larger towns in the area, but it's still pretty small. I can pretty much walk everywhere I need to within, oh, thirty or forty minutes. A significant portion of the population works for sourtrout's company, too. But I don't mind too much. I have been able to easily find the post office, the pharmacy (as mentioned in an earlier post), the music school, various grocery stores, a couple of cafés, the train/bus station, doctor's offices and the like. It's rather nice to be within walking distance of everything. I love walking everywhere. I hardly ever walked back home in Indiana unless I made a concerted effort to do so.

In family news, we think that Rosebud waved at us this morning. She hasn't repeated this trick so I am not convinced her wave was the real thing, but perhaps she is starting to understand things like a hand wave. I am teaching her baby signs, too. She is at a good age because she should be able to start understanding the correlation between the sign, the word and object associated with the sign. She's getting better at sitting up, and I think crawling will happen fairly soon.

I've been working on introducing solid foods to her. So far, she hasn't taken a keen interest in food. She'd rather play with the spoon. There's one exception though - she really likes chicken broth. To be honest, I suspect it's the salt in the broth. I don't really want to be giving her salt, so when I next buy some chicken thighs, I'll save the bones and make some unsalted broth for her. And if she doesn't like that so much, I'll still have some broth to make soup for us. I have tried giving her little bits of cheese and such that she can pick up and mush. She likes to pick it up and mush it, but not eat it so much. Ah well. The fickle tastes of a baby. I hope I can find something she's enthusiastic about, because I am anxious for her to be eating solid foods.

penzberg, ronni, germany, bavarian news, rosebud, veronica

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