We are proud to present this in depth examination of a curious creature, the mullet. We will analyze what a mullet is, how it survives, and various aspect of its every day life. Providing you with commentary for this safari is Lefty2Guns...
First off we need to examine what a mullet is
A mullet is an ever elusive creature that generally occupies south and southwestern North America. However, it has been known to migrate to western north america in search of better budweiser. A mullet is generally a slow moving animal, usually overweight, and generally unaware. It's main food preferences involved the crushing of grains to produce a intoxicating liquid, and anything fried. It's prefered nesting place is generally some sort of structure made out of aluminum that sits on four wheels, but ocasionally sits on cinder blocks. Also, the mullet is a creature that has many vernacular interpretations on its name. Such as:
Ape Drape.
Beaver Paddle.
Bi - Level.
Camero Cut.
Buisness in the front, Party in the back!
Canadian passport.
Coupe Longveuil.
Hockey hair.
Kentucky waterfall.
Missouri comprimise.
Soccer rocker.
Squirrel pelt.
Tennessee tophat.
Finally one can identify the mullet by its distinctive coat:
Also, the mullet can vary in density from the frontal to posterior regions:
Some species of mullet use a distinctive stripe pattern to confuse predators
Much like trees can be measured by their rings, the mullet's age can often be determined by the length of the coat
When entering into pubescent years, the species often displays the Mating Mullet
A mullet before reaching full adulthood
Shemullets are very elusive creatures. They have a very distinctive mane similar to the male mullet. Two opposing angles capture this well.
Malnutrition is the leading cause of the loss of a mullet's mane. Also, this appears to be a crossbread with a different species of the same genus, a bird called the mo- hawk.
Mullets are generally affectionate creatures spending quality time with their life-partner. as shown:
The mullet also has a summer coat and winter coat, similar to canines...
The summer coat:
And the Winter Coat:
Well that all folks, tune in next time.