I always thought something like this would never happen to us.

Jun 11, 2004 17:20

A lot of people have been asking me what's happening and are concerned for my mother so, here's basically what's happening.

Last Friday my mother was complaining of having a pain in her hand and she couldn't write. She didn't think anything of it really, but went to the doctors thinking maybe she had high blood pressure. As soon as our doctor heard this, they sent her to the hospital to take some routine tests. They soon found out that there was some inflamation on her brain. They took more tests, thinking that it was probably a mini stroke. But after the MRI's the found out that she had a tumor in the middle of her brain. They weren't sure if it was cancerous so, they took some more in depth tests. They found out that it was in fact cancer, and that she also had lung cancer on the top and a little on the bottom of her right lung. They couldn't take a biopsy of her brain because the tumor was in the middle of her brain and it was too dangerous. But they did take a biopsy of her lung, and when they did her lung collapsed. It sounds worst than it is, really, it happens to 1 in 4 people. So they had to put her on oxygen.

Today she was doing better and the doctors started talking about what options they have. They can't do surgery in her brain because she'd die. They're probably going to do radiation. As far as the lung cancer is concerned, they're going to have to do kemo therapy. She's going to loose her hair, and anyone who knows my mom, knows she obssessed with her hair. hah. They;'re going to have to go to hakensack hospital everyday for however long it takes for the treatements because St. Joes in Wayne doesn't do any of that stuff.

Some of the doctors look optimistic, which is good.

My mom has had cancer before in her cervics, but it wasn't this serious. My mom's a fighter though, so I really do think she'll be okay.

It's going to be a rough summer. My mom's going to be real sick from the kemo. Things are going to be different. I know I already am a bitch, but I'm going to be 100000x times worst. I guess I'll see who sticks with me and I'll find out who my real friends are. I'm going to appologize in advance if i withdraw myself away. I just like being alone when things like this happen. So, like I said, sorry in advanced for all the shit I may do/say/not do. Right now all I need is my family and support from people.

Pray for my family and everything cause lord knows we don't have the slightest clue how to.

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