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May 13, 2008 13:39

      So it's been a really long time.  School is over for the summer and that's a huge weight off my shoulders.  Sunday night I pulled an all nighter to finish a take-home exam, my media kit, a take-home essay, AND a 5 page paper which ended up being 3 because I ran out of time.  Then on Monday morning when I went to print everything I realiezed I had the wrong ink cartridge.  So had to run to the computer lab and then to class to take a final which I actually think I did pretty well on.  After that it was back to the computer lab to print out my media kit and my take-home exam.  Finally finished with my morning classes I died for two hours and then took my last final of the day.

I ened up going out with my roommate and her friends for cinco de mayo, and it was a really good time.  I didn't wake up until like 1:30 the next day but it was okay because my first final of the day wasn't until 4:50.  So I packed the rest of my things into my car (I had been taking things home the past two weekends) and then went to lunch with my friend.  First exam took me 6 minutes and then I had to run across the campus to my second exam and last exam at 5:00. How they scheduled over lapping exams? I don't know.  Either way I finished that one in an hour and I went HOME!  It feels so good to wake up next to Joe or in my own bed.  It's also nice being around all the time and being able to work more so I have some spending money.

I actually just checked my grades and the last two finals I took were the first grades up! A and a B- wich works for me!  I'm really hoping I'll make dean's list again this semester.

This weekend was freaking awesome!  I went out Thrusday night and then Friday I hung out with Darlene and Kristen and we had a huge advernture at the expense of my gas tank.  And then that night Kristen and I went to Rita's house for a little get together which was by far the most fun I had had in a very long time, but then again Rita's house is always fun.  Saturday I did some more running around with Kristen and then went home for a little and my parents decided we were going to go out for my birthday dinner.   We went to this really nice habatchi place in Brick and then when I got home I went to Joe's and there was a party going on because Ryan had just got back from basic trainning.  It was a really good time and I got to see Wheeler who I missed to death!  Some how we all decided we were going to go to Drew Ross' house in the borough and he was upstairs sleeping but it was fun.

We ended up bringing the party back to Joe's and I didn't go to sleep until almost 5:00 in the morning and apparrently the party kept going until like 8:00. I woke up at 10 cause I had to go home and make my mom breakfast and relax for a little.  Then I came and picked Kristen up and we went tanning and I took her home to see her mommy.  I got ready for work and ended up making $80 that night which is the most money I've made at 3 Brother's in a very long time.  After work I just went back to Joe's and relaxed all night with him cause he didn't have work in the morning cause the weather was going to be so bad.  Although I had work in the morning and it sucked waking up.  I only went in because there was supposed to be this huge going away party there and blah blah blah and it wasn't even busy!!! I made $8.  Anyways I went home and fell asleep for two hours and then forced Joe into seeing Iron Man with me.  Such a good movie and SO worth seeing.

So it's two days until Friday and that's my birthday and I'm so excited even through it's only 20 and you can't really do anything at that age.  It just means I'm another year closer to 21.  That day when Sarah gets out of school I told her I'd take her to see the Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspin because her birthday was on the 5th and she turned 12 (I told her if they ask at the theather she's 11 because I bought her the kids ticket!) plus me taking her gives me an excuse to see it because I loved those books.  Then later I think Joe's going to let me have people over which should be very fun even though Michelle and Megan are in California visiting Matt and RIta is in New York for her cousins wedding I still have Darlene and Kristen which should be fun.  I'm pretty sure I was telling everyone to come last Friday and Saturday when I was out too haha.  It going to be a good weekend.

Things just seem to be going really good right now.  I'm more in love with Joe then ever and not a day goes by that he doesn't suprise me with some new talent or soemthing.  It does get a little frustrating with all his new computer programs that he wants to play with but I know it's something he loves doing.  He still always gives me attention and makes me feel loved.  Things with my sister are going pretty good too.  She got accepted to Stonybrooke University for next year.  I'm very proud of her.  I actually brought her to a party at Rowan a couple weekends ago and that was very entertaining.  She was making friends left and right!   I remember when she used to be so shy...

My parents are doing really good.  My dad is working days now so I don't feel so bad for my mom because she used to spend almost every night sitting by herself.  Now she has him for company.  The only thing that sucks is they go to bed at like 11 at night which means if I want to sleep in my bed...I have to be home by 11.  I'll be 20 years old and have to be home by 11.  (It not really that I have to it's the nice thing to do so my dogs don't go crazy and wake my parents up at 2 in the moring).  Luckily they're pretty understanding of me staying at Joe's most of the time.  They don't like it, but they deal with it.  And for that I really make it an effort to come home some nights.

Well I'm really hungry and it's nice out so I think I'm going to go eat outside!  Maybe I'll try using this thing more...haha
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