(no subject)

Jan 05, 2006 22:12

It's been a while. I don't much feel like updating. I'm sick, and it sucks. Joe gave me whatever he had over the break, and I took care of him. Now that he's better he's off to the Poconos, and I'm left with no one to take care of me!! haha It's ok though, I hope everyone that went is having a good time.

My break was really good. I had lots of fun and took lots of pictures with the new camera I got for Christmas. My Christmas was also really good. New camera, lots of nice clothes, and about $500. I'm spoiled, what can I say. I put about $300 of it away and spent some of it on things I needed. After we got home from my grandmother's house, Joe called me and asked if I wanted to come over. :) He's so amazing. We started watching Star Wars Revenge of the Sith or whatever and we both fell asleep watching it. We woke up around 1 and he went home. It made my Christmas.

New Year's Eve was AWSOME!! I love how Joe says he's going to have a few people over and 30 people show up. And I love how there were really like 17 people sleeping in Joe's room. haha and the fact that no one really went to sleep until around 8 in the AM. It was a great night. One of the best and most memprable EVER!!

I don't feel like typing anymore, I mainly just updated to let everyone know I have a photobucket now so everyone can look at all the pictures from break.


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