uhm, i'm sorry..? but i only have one of jodi's journals, and thats deadsmiles on deajournal, and that's not the layout she has. one of my friends sent me that background, and i liked it so, unaware i used it on my livejournal. i'm sorry.. if you want me to replace it, i will. sorry =o/
okay well, maybe i can. can you maybe NOT be a pussy and state your name?
i sent bekki that backround because i'm cool like that. i'm not ripping this "jodi" person's style, and i have not seen her journal. so have a nice day X∙P
uhm, i'm sorry..? but i only have one of jodi's journals, and thats deadsmiles on deajournal, and that's not the layout she has. one of my friends sent me that background, and i liked it so, unaware i used it on my livejournal. i'm sorry.. if you want me to replace it, i will. sorry =o/
i sent bekki that backround because i'm cool like that. i'm not ripping this "jodi" person's style, and i have not seen her journal. so have a nice day X∙P
it's funny how i can steal something i've never seen. really guys.
there's nothing to confess, sorry. didn't mean to burst your bubble or anything.
skank. =op.
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