(no subject)

Jan 26, 2007 09:17

The book is simply, but elegantly bound. In the Rangers time, paper-bound books are rarely used...so rarely that the few that are made are done so with the quality generally reserved for illuminated Bibles.

The title is equally simple. Drawing A Line Against The Darkness: A history of the Anla'shok by John David Sheridan.


The old saying "history is written by the victors" is well engraved on the collective consciousness of most races. With it goes the implication that you can't trust it. Those in power are in the position to recreate the past in whatever image they like. Well, I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince you that this book is the final and inerrant word. In the parts of it I didn't personally witness, I have to go on faith that the records I've used have not been "creatively edited" (I trust they haven't, but I have no way of proving it beyond a shadow of a doubt.) As for my own trustworthiness both as an eyewitness and a commentator? Well, there's really not much I can do to convince you of that either. I have been, for much of the last few years, in the position of 'the victor', and therefore will fall under suspicion automaticly. Not only that, but, at my core, I am simply another flawed, fumbling person with biases that I may or may not even be aware of.

I suppose this begs the question of why should I even try to write this book? Or, for that matter, why should you bother to read it? Well, because it needs to be done. If someone will give me the com frequency of an omniscient, bias-free entity who is interested in becoming an author, I'll gladly throw this manuscript in the fireplace. Until then, we have to do the best we can. People need to know their guardians - who they are, how they go here and what they're doing for them. They need to know the blunders so they can hopefully avoid making the same ones. They need to know the triumphs to bolster their hope in dark times and to encourage them to strive for more. I have access to those stories and feel it is my duty to share them. Some knowledge, even flawed, is better than complete ignorance.

The Vorlons said, "Understanding is a three-edged sword. Your side, their side and the truth in between." I'm giving you my side to the best of my ability, knowing full well that it is not the final word. I leave it in your hands to find the truth.
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