[The weather is terrible today, again. He's fairly used to seeing turbulent weather, but it hasn't been this bad since he first arrived here. And all of the things that had been happening so far -- the fire, the 'elections', the people -- it reminded him of what his own home used to be like. It's somewhat of a disappointment, to realize that this place could be just like any other. That meant there could be humans here one day and then gone within the next few decades, if Mayfield became the same as where he came from.
...that's a little too depressing to think about. He tries to alleviate the feeling by
singing a song, but is only able to get partway through before being interrupted by the thunder outside.]
It sounds close, [he says to no-one in particular. His phone, however, picks it up clearly. Darn the speakerphone function.] I hope it'll be over.