Sep 19, 2005 05:43
I finally managed to see the film "Sneakers" with Robert Redford, River Phoenix and Dan Akroyd. While it was no "hackers" and the actors playing the roles of the mathematician and the Russian ambassador should have been switched, it was quite enjoyable and, surprisingly enough, a majority of the math discussed (with the major exception of the deux ex machina, the bring-it-all-together theory that unites encryption breaking with fields, rings, maximal ideals and relatively prime-ness) made sense and was up to date (at least according to some quick research and short discussion with UCD math staff).
In about twelve hours I will have been alive for twenty one years.
Why must I be so ego-centric and start sentences with the word "I"?
edit : N is not equal to P
fake edit : That edit is not about p vs np in the least, although I imagine I could have done something there.