This town SUCKS!! i don't know how anybody under the age of thirty can inhabit this town which lacks any sort of activism or a fukin environment from which a kid can go and spend his or her hours enjoying an activity of any kind. Everything closes at fukin 10 o'clock over here. I mean, I know I lived in this town for ever, but I didn't realize how
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2) If African Americans only acount for 12% of the population and they account for 40% of violent crimes...umm hello? Look at the numbers
3)YOu may think i'm racist but i'm really not, I can make racist comments and I dont deny that. I'm a republican...enough said
4)I have been taking a class on the sixties and we are focusing on the civil rights movement, which i think is admirable and amazing, and I have gained a little more respect for MLK jr although he repeatedly cheated on his wife like the dog that he is...HOWEVER, I feel that all the work they that fought for is worthless in certain ways and heres why...I beleive that A.A. segragate themselves more then the white community does. Seperate award shows, magazines, beauty pagents, tv channels, ect. Now, I do not agree wiht it but when the kids in Georgia(I think?) wanted to have an all white prom it was a big old shit. Now if some A.A. students wanted to, it would have been nothing at all. I know that A.A.'s have had a rough and hard fight for what they have gained but I beleive like in any relationship that to move on to the future that the past needs to be the past. If they keep holding on to how we wronged them in the past we can NEVER be one in the future. I dont wnat to be judged becasue I'm white no more then they want ot be becasue they are black. Is the NAACP necessary anymore? NO Is the KKK necessary anymore or ever for that matter? NO Until we can truly judge each other by the content of our character and not the color of our skin this country will continue to be one of racism and biggotry(I cannot spell). A.A's are just as racist as they claim us to be.
The End from Amanda da illest bitch around
"Snoop said it in '94...WE DONT LOVE THEM HOES"-50Cent
2. I remember this one time.. back a couple of years.. i was raped... yea i said the big bad R word.. hey and you knwo what the guy wasnt black or mexican or arab... he was WHITE.. a white upperclass teenager.. and by the time he was 18 he shoudl have ALREADY been in jail.
This other time.. i was hit A LOT.. by a middle aged white guy.. with a bad temper...
when i worked.. in a restaurant i was sexually harassed by white guy after whiute guy after white guy... men in their mid twenties to late forties asking me for sexual favors... telling me i was hott and that i should come over later.. like i was meat. THEY WERENT BLACK... and most had never been to jail although i consider their acts criminal. and yes they were breaking laws in some cases as they were sleeping with girls that were as young as 15 and 16
3. Fear instilled in us daily can account for much of the misconception of other races. we are taught to fear diversity instead of embracing it as it is the key point in our countries founding. these people who have started their own beauty pagents and magazines want to celebrate the traits and ideals as well as accomplishments THEY have achieved. Do any of the black miss america contestants carry heavy african/jamacian/or haitian traits? are they thick of dark or facially do they have the natural characterisitcs? NOOOO they are meant to look white.. in a country where we are driven by white christian leaders it is not OK to be diffrent and it is NOT ok to have your own seperate place to shine.
4. IT IS ABSOLUTELY NECISSARY TO HAVE THE NAACP. if you think discrimination is gone your sadly mistaken. take for instance in YOUR case as you can relate the best. BEING A WOMAN. try having your car fixed or getting i high corporate job. trying being a beautiful woman and getting taken seriously. pretty amd intelligent doesnt happen. DO NOT THREATEN THE WHITE MANS EGO, for you will feel the wrath and that is sad. The peopel that arent WHITE.. are treated diffrently JUST AS women are.. just as people who dont fit into that STRICT category that is correct. THERE IS DISCRIMINTAION.. you ARE are making judgements...
5. and by your comment "NO Until we can truly judge each other by the content of our character and not the color of our skin this country will continue to be one of racism and biggotry" that is your compliance with whats wrong. That is you accepting what is wrong and choosing to do nothign about it. things dont get changed by acceptance they get changed by action. TAKE ACTION. if you dont want to, dont believe in it, DONT CRITICIZE. when you dont want to do anythign abotu a problem there is no room for complaint. you have to be willing to participate to truly make a diffrence.
Amanda, the NAACP is needed, no questions about it. Racism isn't dead, I mean it's the same as saying that NOW (National Organization for Women) should be abolished. They take care of racial problems, just like NOW approaches sexist problems.
I'm only trying to show the way in which things are portrayed. Of all the media (newspapers, TV, radio, films, etc.) only 5% are black. This includes journalists, tv personnel, and celebrities. So, what I'm saying is that the media is guilty for portraying the way in which things are now looked at.
When O.J. Simpson was arrested, they put his mug shot on the front page of both TIME magazine and Newsweek. Both altered his face with computers, making his nose broader, lips thicker, and skin darker; as well as making his face look "dirty" and "sweaty". Thus makin him look more "Black", so he would be fitted into what the normal African American looks like. When this is done, it is an obvious attempt at subliminal prejudice. How come when timothy McVeigh bombed the Oklahoma City Federal Building, how come his mugshot wasn't in TIME or NEWSWEEK. He killed 168 people, including 19 infants. It's plain and simple that the media has a bias. That's all I'm trying to show.
I'm glad that you are beginning to have more respect for Dr. Martin Luther King. He was a great man, and he advanced the current status for all minorities in this country. That includes Latinos, which I'm one of. So, if it wasn't for him and all the brave people he had help him, I wouldn't be able to eat all your food, make you laugh, give you hugs, and argue with you as freely as I do now.
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