Apr 09, 2003 17:09
So shit, where the fuck were we. Oh yes, it was the time that I realized that the girl saw her friend with her zipper open, and then said, "so she must loved warm milk"...everyone laughed, but I had no fukin clue what was going on.
I only have three more weeks of school, and it feels great. Yea, it feels great to have to go back home and get surgery....I hate my knee, and my knee hates me.
Holy shit, the dolphins are gathering a fukin batallion of defensive players for the upcomin season. Shit, we re-signed Zach Thomas, and we signed Terrell Buckley, Zgnanina from the Rams, and we're lookin into signing future hall-of-famer Junior Seau. If that happens I'll shit my pant, and keep an undying smile. Oh man. Offense scores points, but defense wins games, that's what I say. Also, we signed tight-end, Battaglia from the Bucs, what! yea, and' we're lookin into gettin Brian Grease....queu in the bells...may the legacy continue. Ok, Fed, shut up about football...ok
I'm so fukin hungry.
Yea, so sayed up all night last nite, cuz I had to write a paper contrasting the views on the afterlife, according to ancient text. The Greek or Achaean point of view compared to the Latin or Roman views. Comparing The Aeneid's 6th book, to the Odyssey's 11th. What a bunch of shit....Academical bullshit.
I need a haircut.
I want an iPod.
Postmodernantideconstructionism....yea, do YOU know what that means?
I gotta give a shout out to my boys in WITH VENGEANCE....yall negros is tearin that shit all up. Proud of you....make me wanna sob and take a shit, both at the same time...mad love
Ok, so listen to this shit. Yesterday I bought a set of strings because mine were gettin too rusty....a month of playin will do that. So I get my 10 gauge Martins, and come back home with a mile wide smile, because I'm about to get my jam on with some new straaaangs. SO I put on the low E, then my A, then D, G, B, and finally the high E. I start to stretch them out, because otherwise they'll fukin sound like shit, and keep detuning. What happens? My B string fukin pops. I was like "AWNBELIDIS"...translation - "I do not believe this". So, luckily, I had an extra B string of the same gauge, so I replace it...and guess what happens, not five fukin seconds after I replace my B....go ahead, guess. THE FUKIN HIGH E POPS! What kinda shit is that? now, my ass didn't have a spare E, so I started hittin shit...I got angry as a mothasucka. So I'm here hungry, with no iPod, in need of a haircut, and I don't have a fukin E string...somebody just come and piss on me to top myminute. Besides all that, everything's peachy.
I'm broke...if anyone wants to donate to the "Let's have a heart and buy Fed a meal foundation" please e-mail me at Pleasegivemefood@starvingwithasmile.com...if you're donating from outside the US, Canada, Puerto Rico, or the Virgin Islands, please include an extra envelope, $3.76, and a phone number in case I can't get a hold of you, so I can send you a picture of my happy ass.
Yea, guess who's opening for fukin Alkaline Trio...PRETTY GIRLS MAKE GRAVES!! yea, that's right...I'm just did a double toe touch and fuked up my other knee.
Man, Mike has been kickin my ass lately in Madden...I gotta find a way in which I can stop his split pass.
What's your favorite 80s TV Sitcom....mine would have to be...Who's the Boss?
Forever and ever,