Yay, Gina did me a huge favor and came all the way uptown to drop off the pictures she and I took at the parade on Sunday (and the video footage we shot, which is um, very, very intensely focused, because that's what we're good at, intensely focusing on one thing... person....whatever...).
I briefly thought about putting up the picture of the two of us and then quickly came to my senses after crashing from my crack high. It was some good shit.
You can read about our fun playing a game of "Where's The Bare Cast", at the Pride parade,
down below. In the meanwhile pics of the cast
Gina thinks that Aaron Lohr may have suspected where her intense focusing was well... focusing. I can't say I disagree with her conclusion after seeing this picture of he and Natalie Joy Johnson. Hee!
Here's Adam Fleming and hmmm... some other guy, what was his name again... la de da... oh right John Hill. Yes, intense focus.
Oh look there he is again. How odd! I wonder if he understands the zen nature of being able to focus so thoroughly? (I'm supposed to mention on Gina's behalf that since the position of his stalker is apparently still open, she'd be more than willing to fill out an application for the job. But in a fun way, none of this wanting to tie anyone up and murder them shit. Just a sit there and look pretty 24/7 kind of thing.)
Um, maybe John has a twin. Yes, yes... that's the ticket! Focus, people, focus.
Only one thing could distract us from our original point of focus (well besides the fact that he was no longer there) and that would be this guy, Michael Arden. Okay so yes, I look at these slightly out of focus pictures and realize that he could, in fact, be mistaken for a derelict, but I swear the hair was actually damn cute on him in person. Listen, all he has to do is smile and melting will ensue. His hair could be every color of the rainbow for all I care. (And the mystery remains, where did he come from on Sunday?)
There are more pics, but unfortunately the FBI has seized them as evidence. Either they want to arrest us, or hire us for surveillance duty, I'm not quite sure!
And I just realized that Michael is wearing the same blue beads the Pepsi guy who thought we were lesbians pulled over to give us. Does that mean he thought Michael was a lesbian too? ;-)