Jan 21, 2006 20:08
"Are any of you part or full time?"
"We have to be something."
Laser pointers are really "pointless" in their guise to aid eyes through bullet points. The bullet points are not hidden. I can see the bullet points rather well actually. I'm able to guide my own eyes across the sentence that states in the event of an abduction personnel must "secure the babies". You keep reittering that with your laser by squiggling around it, but it's no more emphasized. It's there in bullet point. I'm tired of lasers phasing out bullets in every aspect of everything.
It's so awkward in a group setting being expected to call out answers to redundant queries. You mull whether to muster the motivation, and if you haven't answered a question early on you've barred yourself from answering any future one because of the initial tremor it would cause from your taken aback table mates. Once someone first answers though, it's like, "Oh, this guy's into answering shit. He really wants that Jolly Rancher. Maybe he'll carry the burden of these senseless Ho-key-Pokey riddles." But when you don't answer after a while and decide spasmodically to blurt out something probably wrong because you've given no forethought to what the question was due to your obsessive analysis of the environment, it contrarily comes off as forced and artificial. And surprisingly so. Barely a whimper. Words tail off before you begin to say them.
I bumped into a Caution: Wet Floor sign. They should have a Caution: Caution: Wet Floor sign before it. In fact, an infinite procession of caution signs would do the trick.