Counseling stuff!

Sep 01, 2010 05:29

Okay, so this is probably a good idea.

Suzaku Kururugi
Kotoha Hanaori
Ikki Minami

Ryoji Mochizuki
Allen Walker

Talk to me about organization and times and stuff! I'm in EST and usually around in the evenings by around 9pm and onward until...whenever I fall asleep. I'm sometimes around a little in the afternoon and early evening, but I'm often distracted and doing other things, so I'm not really very consistent until after 9. And this weekend I'm in Zazzle's demonverse AUdie, so I'll be distracted with that for a few days as far as playing goes, but I'll still be available for contact.

You can comment here or contact me via gchat or email at fate.etc [at] gmail, and I'm usually around in IRC in the evenings as Itachi.
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