I've never understood the saying, "LIve for God". If GOd has you in mind wouldn't he want you to live for you?
Nor do I understand peopke saying that God is a God of vengence, but also a forgiveing God.. he's either one or the other. Maybe it's just people tring to make you fear god.. so as not to do stuff the bible tells you not to do, and him being forgiving is just to make it seem liek you can redeem yourself..
I supposed i would call myself christen because the onlyreason i don't resign my faith is in fear of what is to come in the afterlife....do We go to heavin/hell? are we reincarnated?..or is it just...nothing..
But i disagree with people who say "If there is a God then why is there death and desises?".. if it wasn't for death and desies then there would be like.......SOOO many people walking the earth. I myself have been effected personly with someoen i am close to by desise and i don't blame anyone for it.. I'm not going to curse God (if he even is real).. as my mom put it "thinning the heird"
With all the sex people are having now-a-days babys are flyin out of vaginas faster and faster everyday.. If it wasn't for the fear of AIDs and other STDs there would be alot more..dont you think?
Alot of people think that "God" is a figure head of the government..
so I have drawn up a story as how this came to be......................
God was origaly as tight wizard from like...i dont know when ever god was made.. i have created a scetch of what he'd look like;
and after many years God got old as shit and died.. his son took over and his son till fanily there was liek the sweetest god EVER so they decided to keep him by turning that bad boy into a sweet robot;
that's God 2 the max 4.0
Now i beleave that the fact that God frowns apon homosexuals is because he himself was one...what would never tell anyone
why do you think he made josiph and mary have jesus?
i belave that satan is god eveil twin brother out to seak revenge for taing over his fathers title
in the year 2006 there will be an ultamint fight between satan and god in which satan will over through god and thow him into the river of styx
this will throw off alllll of existance causing an appolyps ending the world in a firry doom
so there is my take on religon
alright so i gotta make this clear from the whole "god being a government conspericy" thing and down is NOT serious i was just kidding witht hat but everything up is how i really feel....I have no explination on how god came to be..... i was just kidding