Apr 21, 2005 16:42

yesterday was the UnderOath concert.
IT was fun as shit.. people were going soo crazy right when the first band opened "fear before the march of flames" i was standing there not expecting anything to happen when immedetly it just broke into a crazy mosh and i got kicked around

then these arms are snakes came on and i thought they were sweet as shit but no one else liked them 'cept me and andrew.. they had kind of an indie beat with a hardcore tone thrown in there..pretty sweet

then we got a good spot in the crowd and waited for underoath to come on but i forgot that the cheriot were coming on and it was all dark and i was expecting underoath but all of a sudden i hear the cheriot but it was sweet because they kick fuckin ass

then finaly underoath was waljking on and i was so pumped and right when they started it was just mad chaos you couldnt move everyone was just packed together shuving it was just crazy

andrew lost his shoe.....

then i kind of get seporated from everyone after like 3 songs and i was jsut going crazy all alone and kinda felt gay so i worked my was to the front where i saw Mike S going crazy as shit so i joined him at like the best spot in the place

than when they played the song "Reinventing your exit" i've neva gone so crazy in my life i corwed surfed once while mike did it like two times and we just went so crazy i almost passed out like 232342uirho1y45y129345 times than by the last song i couldnt handle anymore because im a pussy

all in all....sweetest concert EVA
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