So Wednesday went impecably well, I only got sent out of two classes and Coach prevented Figgins from giving me anything worse then detention for the rest of the week - totally worth it!
But talking in Spanish all day was awesome, even more amusing in the classes where the teacher didn't even notice. Sorry about talking to you less all day Britt I
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We have been detention buddies, it's true.
{Private: Santana}
Could you watch his back for me, San? Azimio has had a personal beef with him since... we came out as a couple. Because of football practice I can't always walk him to class.
[Private to Dave]
Azimio's an ass. But yeah I'll do what I can for you, I get it.
[Private to Santana]
Thanks San. You're a good friend. I'll keep that on the DL.
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