After reading the last chapter for the second time, I feel fully prepared to write my reaction post.
First, let me say WOW what a mother-fucking crazy trip it's been. When we started out, this was just about Ed and Al learning a lesson about the value of human lives and getting their bodies. And in the end, it became so much more yet stayed the same. Arakawa-sensee is a genius for planning out this whole series. The fandom gave her ten and she gave us eleven in return; following the new rule.
The first handful of pages with Father and Ed were great. I'm glad Ed got to kick his ass just a little bit in the end. Then with Greed and Ling... aww man, I really didn't want to see Greed go since I was beginning to think of him as one of the "good guys." But in the end, all of the homunculi had to be gone. First Lust, then Gluttony, then Envy, then Sloth, then Wrath, then Pride, and now finally, Greed. And he even told his one final lie in the end. I have to admit I was a bit happy for Ling when the tattoo faded off his hand. I guess everyone gets their original bodies back...
Father's ending was awesome too. Very appropriate that he gets thrust inside of God. Instead of absoribing 'The Truth' he is absorbed by it.
And, then, of course, we have Al. I think Edward's sacrifice of giving up alchemy is amazing and beautifully understated. The very first page of the manga is Ed losing his leg while performing human transmutation. He started with the truth and ended with it.
I cried SO HARD when Al came back with his body. Almost as bad as Mei. All of the AlxMei moments this final chapter were so incredibly precious and CAN I JUST SAY FOR ONE MOMENT THAT MEI IS FUCKING AWESOME. She is the most bad-ass ten year old I've ever seen and she was even able to pick out the hotter of the Elrics before Al had his body back (wayyyyy ahead of most of the fandom!!!)
And Hoho even dies in the end, too. I'm glad he got his wish and hopefully he gets to see Trisha again in eternity somewhere.
I'm happy that Roy got his sight back and Marco even gets to try and make up for his sins, and I was initially upset at the lack of Royai, but then again... we know Roy and Riza will be together for the end of time. She'll always have his back.
Okay, now for one of my favorite moments in the entire final last chapter. General Armstrong saves Scar and he asks her "Won't you get court-martialed for this??" And she says "I do stuff like this all the time" which is pretty much the most bad-ass way of saying "I fucking killed a guy and buried him in cement and stabbed a central officer in the wrist in front of another one and took them both hostage AND YOU THINK I'LL GET COURT-MARTIALED FOR THIS?? PUH-LEASE."
LMFAO so thus begins the Bro-mance of Scar and Miles. (Who teach each other the ways of super-fierce hair it seems, by the looks of the last page.)
SO then Ed and Al decide to walk home after Al gets a sexy haircut and buys himself a hot sweater-vest. And when they get home Den has the most awesome WTF face. LOVE IT! That plus Winry's jump-hug = awesome-ness. "I've told you a million times to call before you come home!" is another one of my fav lnes too.
I think Ed's "working on the roof" scene was also perfect. It just shows the exchange that took place when he tried human transmutation. He lost a lot more than an arm and leg. He lost all the views like that one that he would have seen and all the moments like that one that he would have had. Alchemy simplified his life and in that simplicity, he lost a lot. That's why that was the "correct answer." (PLUS AL GETS HIS APPLE PIE, I WAS WORRIED HE WOULDN'T FOR AWHILE)
LMFAO Okay I'm copy-pasting one of my favorite comments on the last chapter from
Okay, I am extremely happy that in the end, both Nina and Hughes are mentioned. Actually I'm gonna go on a mini-rant about the Nina episode. When I first started this fandom, watching Brotherhood, I thought it was really interesting, still forming my opinion about it, then, only four episodes in, I saw the Nina episode.
When I started reading the manga, I had to skip it.
I cried so bad after that episode and even started shaking I was so terrified. I had nightmares about it. I almost never continued with the series. (But don't get me wrong, I'm really glad I did.)
So the fact that they try to pay retribution to her and Hughes in the end is really awesome, IMO.
Ed's proposal was the most awesome proposal ever. I broke into tears when Winry shouted back "You want half, I'll give you all of it!" (lol they are the perfect dork-couple. Geek love is forever.) And their ending hug = DAWWWWWW. Haha, I'm glad Arakawa gave a spoonful of EdWin cuteness in the end~
The ending quote is everything I expected and more. I knew she'd return to the beginning quote in the end; she's had this whole thing planned out from the beginning, that genius Arakawa-sensee.
Well, FMA, it's been a pleasure. My time in the fandom has been short (unlike most people who have been reading FMA for over five years, or since the beginning, I only became part of the fandom less than a year ago), but I think I've received eleven for the ten that I gave.
*sigh* I might cry everytime a new shonen gangan comes out for the lack of FMA.
I've got nowhere to go home to.