Wow! The summer has begun! and i'm lovin' every moment of it, i haven't been bored yet. These past days have been non-stop and it's great. I love being busy.
- graduations
- parties
- swimming
- shopping
- pigging out
And everything else...... it's been fab! I look forward to the rest of the summer, but i don't want to go by too fast. I plan to do a lot this summer, but i haven't set my summer goals yet. But i do have a few so far:
- have fun
- stay up late talking to a cute boy
- find a cute boy
- sleep in
- pig out
- work out
- get a good tan
- go to plenty of shows and other events
That's it so far............ Got anymore????
Oh yea in other news Crystal is now a working woman! Yea, snaps for blondie.....
Ummm so yea, that's it.............