Aug 16, 2004 08:05
i am in a reeeeallly gooood moooood. today is good. but, it's early still yet. (i have been in arkansas far too long.) however, i REFUSE to be otherwise.
i bought a digital camera yesterday. that means piccctttuurrresss!! YAY!!!! i can't wait to use it. so far, i have only one picture... of my eye ball. ..accident. this one is a little bit different from the other. ..the camera, that is.
no news. or nothing that i can actually tell anyone...YET. but, things are good, i suppose.
today is my day off YAAAAAAYYYY! and under no circumstances am i going in -if called. we are rediculously short handed. and it blows.
so, kerry didn't make it down this weekend. i am a sad girl.
today, i try to get my headlight fixed. then, i might be able to actually go somewhere at night...other than work. i hope they get that damn thing in today.
i have the strangest feeling that something BIG is going to happpen soooon. fuck me. i hope it's not that kharma lurking nearby.