fag's punishment

Oct 16, 2009 22:00

I am pissed off. I am sad. Sometimes, like today, I think that God hates me. I question God's existence. I question the purpose of existence. I look at my life and think that yes, God exists and God hates me. They're all right. He hates me.

Yesterday, I woke up and couldn't find the external hard drive I wanted to take to work with me so I could print a picture from it to make a card for my boss.

I got to work and discovered I had left my purse at home. This was especially bad because it was the kick off of the United Way campaign-- give, give, give to your job through the United Way! In addition to telling us that in various ways, my agency holds fund raisers to raise additional money during the campaign to have employees make pledges/agreements/whatever. Thursday, it was breakfast as the big kick off. $3. Cheap. I had no money. One of my co-workers bought my breakfast. I really wanted to give them my $3 and support this event.

I had no money. I had no hard drive. I could not make a card for boss' day nor could I go to a store to buy a card. I was responsible for getting a card, signing it, and having 2 other people sign it by the next day. ha!

Work was chaotic. I have a grant due next week plus all the other shish going on.

I left the office a little later than ideal because of my level of busyness. I got to my house around 5pm; I was to be in a different neighborhood at 6 to babysit. I got out of my car and realized that I left my house keys at work. fuck. I went to my mom to get my spare key.

I walked in my apartment, picked up the phone, called Domino's while changing clothes. They said 20 minutes. 20, not 15. fuck. I called the couple-- today has been worse than you'd believe. I left my purse at home so I had to come by and get it (so I could buy dinner), got here and found that I had left my keys at work. I'm in now and will head towards you if you'll tell me where you stay again because I left all of your information on my desk. (damn, damn, damn!)

Directions in hand, I went to Domino's. It's like a block away. Yea! A man is in line. Apparently, he's ordering food. He's indecisive and overly friendly with the staff. Talk, talk, talk. MOVE! I need to get going. Finally, it's my turn. They don't have my pizza. Well, eventually they found "my" pizza but it wasn't what I ordered. Whatever. I'm running late.

Pizza in hand, I drove to my next gig and prayed for the life of that child. Things had gone so poorly, I just knew she going to choke on something.

Thank God she didn't. She was good. My interaction with their computer after she went to bed, well, I'm glad they haven't called to ask any questions....

Cindi did buy a package for us to zipline sometime soon. I hope I don't fall since it was bought on yesterday.

Eventually, I got home and things didn't get too much worse.

Today, i woke up happy because yesterday was over. It would be hard for today to be worse than that. Hard, almost impossible. Near impossible. Not happening. Today will be good because today is new.

Today was busy. I did accomplish many of the things that I've been trying to get done since Monday. Thank God for that. My trip home ruined an otherwise decent day-- hard work, headed home, looking forward to Medium, beer, and a cigar. Less than a block from my turn, a cop stopped in the middle of the road. He just fucking stopped. No warning. No sirens. Just stopped. He stopped. I stopped. I moved. I went around him. He flashed his lights and then turned on a bunch of lights the way you might if you want to blind someone or just be an asshole. In short, he said I was following him too closely. I wasn't. I wasn't even on the same block of the road with him until almost when he stopped in the middle of the street like a psychopath. I asked him when I started following him so closely, he wouldn't respond. I'm working on a letter of complaint because I think it's bullshit that I'm supposed to miss work to address some bullshit allegation that I was following so close I would have hit him had he stopped for an emergency. He stopped because he's a jerk and I didn't hit him then! I should have. after he got out of his car. Asshole. I hope he ignites in flames tonight or runs into a tree. Is that a bit much?

Now I blog. I think of blogging often but rarely get to it. Now, I blog to let off some steam. I blog out of sorrow because I'm too miserable to enjoy a "good" cigar. I blog because Cindi's in Florida with a hot guy so I can't hear her voice and feel better. I blog because feeling this way sucks away my energy. I blog to get that energy back.

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