(no subject)

Jun 24, 2005 12:38

First grade teacher's name:: mrs.wright

Last word you said: mad
Last song you sang: the song i sang this morning
Last thing you laughed at: how i high i was
Last time you cried: last sunday cause brandon flipped out and said he wanted to kill him self an dhe thought i dumped him

What's in your cd player?: a burned CD i made
What color socks are you wearing?: none
What's under your bed?: shit
What time did you wake up today?: 5:19

Current hair: in a ponytail with a headband on

Current clothes: navy blue shorts and forth grade track and field shirt
Current annoyance: my brothers girlfriend

Current longing: to kill my brothers girlfriend
Current desktop picture: my kitty cat whitesox

Current favorite music artist: idk

Current book: i read books all the time......nothing!!!

Current hate: my brothers girlfriend
story behind your username: lexi made it for me

Current favorite article of clothing: idk my shirt
Favorite physical feature on a guy?: they have to be hott!!duh!
Line from the last thing you wrote to someone: leftbehindxlove: y does ur info say i <3 karly
I'm Happiest When : when im not around my family or my brothers girlfriend
I feel lonely when: i think about brandon(cause im not with him duh)
Favorite authors:and i look like i read books dont i

Famous person you have met: ???????no one?????

Do you have any regrets?: hell yea like at hillarys party

Sex or love:: love...i dont exactly think im ready for sex...plus im 12
Favorite coffee: vanilla cappucino

Favorite smell: tag or axe but i really like the smell of shoe stores...they smell good

What makes you mad?: when people talk to me behind my back
Favorite way to waste time:: be on IM
What is your best quality?: my ass duh!!no i dont no ask brandon i guess...........
Are in currently in love/lust?: yea with brandon...
What's the craziest thing you have ever done?: to many to think of
Do you have any bad habits?: maybe stealing...

Do you find it hard to trust people?: alot of people

Last thing you bought yourself: the head band im wearing
Bath or shower?: shower
Favorite season: summer...cause its nice...but i dont get to see brandon.....
Favorite color: pink
Favorite flavor: vanilla
Favorite time of day: when its dark thats like when my day starts
Gold or silver? silver

Do your friends know everything about you?: no..alot dont no bout my past...i dont think they want to
Do you wear a watch?: no i odn tcare what time it is
Favorite stores: idk i dont go shopping that much
How big is your closet?: small as a peice of dirt
Ever spend more then $200 in a store?: hell no

Can they count on you?: duh...im the only on ei no is as strong as me

book you read: and when did i start reading?
last movie you saw: saw
movie you saw on the big screen: saw
show you watched on tv: date my mom
song you heard: behind these hazel eyes
drink you drank: pepsi
thing you ate: pickels

time you showered: like 12:30 1:00
time you smiled:when i last talked to brandon
time you laughed:when i was making fun of my neighbor
person you hugged:whitesox baby cool
person you talked to online:brandon
person you talked to on the phone: grace

yea well im really pissed

and i might have usmone over..


comment if u want on anything
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