Title: Mischief Managed
Fandom: Original
Characters: Jackson Molloy, Natalie Maxwell-Edwards, Adam Edwards, mention of Lucas Maxwell
Prompt: None
Word Count: 1,101
Rating: PGish?
Warnings/Spoilers: cursing (because nothing about Jack can be written without cursing)
Notes: written because the idea came up a little while ago and wouldn't let me alone. Adam Edwards is
almostnormal and is mine. Lucas Maxwell is
nuevowings and Natalie Maxwell-Edwards belongs to the mun; both are used with love and permission.
Summary: Anyone named Molloy is probably better off not babysitting.
There was a Christmas tree drawn on the wall in crayon and marker.
That was the first thing Adam Edwards saw when he came home from rehearsal for the new video he was supposed to be shooting, and it was the only thing he could really focus on for the moment. The green scribbles were done in an approximate shape of the tree, only going as high as little arms could reach. A yellow star was colored on top of it, and stuck with glittery stickers. There were more stickers throughout the green, along with ribbons colored throughout it in an imitation of garlands and tinsel, as well as spots for ornaments. All of this would be very sweet and appropriate, except for a couple of minor details. One happened to be the fact that it was drawn directly on the the wall itself. Even if it had been a page taped onto the wall, that would have been fine, but no; this was drawn directly on the plaster and stucco facade, right in the front entryway.
The other problem? It was April.
Adam stared at the drawing for far longer than was really necessary, his eyes wide before he took in the rest of the aftermath. The armchair was turned on its side, and had been used as part of the structure for a sheet fort. The coffee table was in much the same state, though why that was he had no idea, as it wasn't part of the fort. It looked like a tornado had gone through the room, and all Adam could think right then was that he was extremely thankful his husband was on tour. If Luc could have seen the house in the state it was in . . . Well, Adam would be sleeping on the couch for a week at least, for hiring his nephew to babysit.
"What the hell happened in here?"
Jack, standing in the kitchen doorway, surveyed the damage with a sheepish little smile. "Well, um, funny story . . ."
The night had started out well enough, by all standards. After a thrilling few games of hide and seek (one of which found Jack just barely finding Natalie hiding in the dryer), it had been time for dinner. Now, it was a pretty well known fact around the Molloy house that Jack was worse than his father when it came to cooking. Des, at least, knew how for the most part to actually cook edible food. But Jack? Oh, the boy was absolutely clueless around the kitchen - a fact he'd conveniently forgotten to mention to Adam when he agreed to babysit. So what was a guy like him to do, when there was absolutely nothing around the house that he could microwave, and a hungry child currently clinging to his leg? Why, what any normal, responsible boy would do: he dug around until he found the emergency credit card and ordered pizza and a 2-liter of Dr. Pepper; his favorite.
Mistake number one: giving Natalie sugary, caffeinated soda.
Within half an hour of finishing their greasy pizza and soda, there was no way in hell Jack could possibly keep up with the little girl bouncing around the house. She was insanely fast on a normal day, but hyped up on junk food, sugar, and caffeine? There was no way he could possibly keep her in check. And so, as a result of that, he kind of went along with the flow, and whatever the child wanted to do.
"Jaaaack! Jackjackjack can I call you Cap'n Jack? Like the PIRATE? ARE YOU A PIRATE?!"
He felt himself almost tripped with every step as the little girl bounced around his knees in a circle, tugging at any part of him she could reach. "Whoooa, now, kiddo. Slow down. I'll be Cap'n Jack if you want, but I'm even better than a pirate."
That stopped the little girl in her tracks, eyes wide with wonder. "What's better than pirates? Ooh, are you a WIZARD?!"
"Pfft, no. Wizards are all over the place. I'm even more special. I'm a Jedi."
"Woooow. Do you know any other Jedi? Whoo?" Natalie was bouncing on her toes now, gripping the sleeve of Jack's shirt like a lifeline.
"Oh, plenty of awesome people are Jedi. Lemme see if I can name a few . . ."
Mistake number two: telling Natalie that Santa was a Jedi.
It was nine P.M., and Natalie should have been in bed half an hour ago. Instead? Instead she was currently hiding behind the upturned coffee table, peeking out every couple of minutes as she waited for Santa to arrive. In April.
After he'd been dumb enough to tell her Santa was a Jedi, Natalie had somehow gotten it into her head that if she made everything just right, Jack could use his Jedi status to make Santa visit with extra presents. And so, while Jack had been busy trying to build a sheet fort to distract the little girl from the ridiculous idea, Natalie had been drawing her very own Christmas tree on the wall.
"There! All done!"
The triumphant announcement drew Jack's attention, and his jaw dropped, eyes going wide. "Holy shit." Oh god, Adam was going to kill him . . . He was absolutely dead. Absolutely.
Mistake number three: cursing in front of Natalie.
For the remainder of the night, any time she'd find something she thought was neat, what would come out of her mouth? "Holy shit!"
By that point, Jack was pretty much convinced that his life was absolutely over. It had been a huge mistake, agreeing to babysit like this. Adam was going to come home, see the house like this, hear his daughter, and that would be it.
It was ten P.M., and Natalie was currently crouched down behind the coffee table when the sound of the door unlocking came, followed by her father's voice on the other side as it opened.
"Hey guys, I'm ho-"
"Holy shit! DADDY!"
Natalie was now in bed, and Jack was at the door, giving Adam his best innocent look. "It wasn't my fault, really. It was just a bad series of events that happened to happen while I was in charge. You've had that happen before, I'm sure. You know how it is, right?"
The look Adam gave him was answer enough.
". . . You're going to tell my dad, aren't you?"
The minute Adam opened the door and gestured him out, Jack groaned, burying his face in his hands.
His social life was officially over, courtesy of a five year old girl.