this is how ive been feeling lately...

Jun 08, 2005 11:42

here is a couple set of lyrics i wrote that pretty much sum up how i've been feeling lately...

"giving to much"

dieing from outside in always down and out never asked for anything but
gave everything that i could i try to help but i can only do so much it
seems like everyone looks to me for the answears i dont know everything
and im not fucking perfect i have problems just like you but never say a
word i try to keep my head up so yours wont fall i try to do whats
right but end up dieing inside im dieing inside reaching for love that was
never shown trying to find a way finally found something of my own so pure
and true seems like that failed to im not giving up im not giving in i just
need a hand from a friend where were all of you when im down and out never
care to ask whats going on are you okay insted you all just complain i
guess thats what seperates the strong from the weak even though i feel like
im close to defeat i wont give in just keep my head up and keep lending
the hand take this life for granted for an example the strong come out on
top dont be weak never give in and try your best play the cards that are
dealt to you dont try and fold even if you get the ace of spades stick with
it life sucks as we all know and it only gets better so stop trying to take
the easy way out

"stick it out"

your looking at your life from the outside to the in trying to hide your
self from the pain that has been there forever keeping it locked away like
an animal in a cage is going to tear you up and soon turn to rage let it
all out dont hold back you can do whatever you want even with what youve
been through try keeping your head up and try standing your ground you
will soon find out that it could be worse your not the only one who has to
deal with pain and suffering you must suffer before you find happiness
thats just the way it is im sure you suffer more and ive heard it all
before nothing they try to say is going to go through you have to make
sure you want to live life take away the pain and it would be easy no one
ever said life was a breeze giving up is never an option just stick it out
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