why i'm so angry: part 1

Apr 04, 2008 16:30

artificial scents

today, my roommate and i went for a bike ride and we passed (1)two bleach blonde college gals going for a jog. aside from the smirks and giggles (which i usually attribute to how ridiculous i look these days), they didn't say anything ... but in passing them i caught a whiff of this amazingly pungent stench that almost knocked me off my bike. now, a few hours later, (2)my roommate is heading off to watch ufc with some friends and he absolutely REEKS of something that i can only describe as "sinus inflaming".

now ... what good does it do in either of those situations? (1)running encourages sweat, which will most likely cover up or wash away the chemicals coating their skin, especially with sweat's salty base. so theoretically, the perfume's purpose is negated. even if it held the test of a jog, was the point of that jog to really try and get someone to notice you? (2)i'm of sound mind to think that good friends won't care much how you smell. and to reiterate, who really needs to be impressed amongst close friends?

these observations are under the assumption that people wear colognes and perfumes in order to gain attention, usually of the opposite sex. far be it for me to assume, but what other purpose do they hold? i can't imagine trying to smell so artificial aiding in any other way ...

thus comes the paradox ... our own natural pheromones are what arouse attraction within the opposite sex. so, under the (fairly accurate) assumption that these colognes/perfumes are used for that purpose is it any wonder the divorce rate is so high amongst young adults? they're reacting to their immediate palate, which is certainly pleasing ... but say you eat a dish of very strong curry for dinner one night; do you want to smell it first thing in the morning? odds are, you don't.

now, to even branch off from that, there are futher topics to discuss:
- how much money is wasted on advertising these products?
- how much money is wasted on actually BUYING these products?
- what are the components of these products and how beneficial/harmful are they (physiologically) to the human body?
- what is the lasting effect on our physiological sensory systems and our offspring?

personal commentary:
FUCK these methods. the only soap i use is doctor bronner's on my hair and beard, for the purpose of natural health + growth ... everything else can eat my nuts. as i mentioned in the first paragraph above, any kind of artificial fragrance burns the shit out of my sinuses any more. i can point out a perfume or cologne from several feet away ... which is good, considering it allows me the opportunity to completely avoid said scent.

i'm of sound mind to think that humans should realize that no matter how we live, we're all fucking ANIMALS. stop trying to cover up how you smell and learn to enjoy and appreciate your own stink.
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