The good, the bad, and the ooh shiny.

Aug 22, 2005 20:42

I have to say that as vacations go that one was pretty much crap. Didn't have any lie-ins, didn't crack a book, didn't get my lj fixes, didn't write, and didn't return tanned, thin, and relaxed. Did win at being dutiful and uncomplaining daughter and did get sympathy points at work upon showing up exhausted, so I'm focusing on the positives. Which include the lovely dream I had the other day while catching my 2.3 hours of nightly zzz.

So I'm randomly swimming through my parents' foyer (yes, swimming--don't ask why) when I look behind me to see Eidah paddling along in my wake. Then suddenly the water is gone and we're standing in the hall. He's wearing an incredibly gorgeous blue polo shirt that absolutely glows and makes his eyes and hair even more electric than usual and somehow we're both dry. At some point he takes my hands (which are full of slimy mud, perhaps from the swimming wtf?) and then we're hugging.

Words fail to describe that hug. I'm not tall, so my head rested just under his supersternal notch. My arms were at my sides but reaching under his arms with palms on his shoulderblades. The man is so solid I cannot even tell you omg. He was warm and massive and smelled lovely and fresh and so *Eidah* and I was enveloped in utter perfection.

At which juncture my sister inadvertently woke me up. I cried. It wasn't even disappointment that we were interrupted before the dream progressed, because honestly I would have been sublimely happy to stay just like that forever. I swear, it was so real I could actually feel him when I woke up. Bliss, I tell you. I never have dreams like that, and likely never will again. ;_; But at least I have a sort-of half sense-memory of what it was like. *sigh*

So perhaps sleep deprivation can be a good thing. ;) In other news, JT's book My Winning Season apparently includes the following *ahem*

Regarding a bit of "tastiness" as he calls it in the tunnel before the CL game: "I never would have guessed what would come before the second leg when Ballack and Oliver Kahn called it on with me. I thought Ballack was too good a player to be diving like that and when he got up from his dive, a lot of us got right in his face. After the game I said that a player like Ballack should be above pulling cheap tricks like that because he was such a special talent and that it was a shame that he had stooped to that level. I think what I said got back to them in Germany because both Ballack and Kahn tried to intimidate me before the second leg. They were still bristling from the first leg. When I walked out into the tunnel to line up before the game with the rest of the lads, Kahn and Ballack both started coming towards me and gave me big shoulder barges before we got to the area where the television cameras would have picked that kind of thing up. As we got out, Lamps shouted to ask what had happened. He wanted to know if I wanted him to come and step in." *facepalm*

On winning the League at Bolton: "It was a classic Chelsea counter-attack too, with Lamps hurtling down the middle on goal. It was only a couple of seconds but it felt like it took him five minutes to get from the halfway line to the point where he was confronting their keeper. Lamps dropped his shoulder, took the ball round the keeper's flailing right hand and slid the ball into the net. What a feeling that was. I knew it was ours in that moment. I knew that that was the Premiership. Before I realised it, I was leaping all over Lamps. We were all engulfed in a great big pile of bodies, everybody lost in celebration. We were there dancing in front of our own fans. It was perfect...It must have been one of the longest goal celebrations in the history of the Premiership. Even when play restarted, my eyes were filling up with tears on account of what we were about to achieve. When the final whistle went, I wanted to celebrate with Lamps first. We ran over to our supporters and stayed there celebrating with them. "Let's not go back in," I said to him. "Let's just stay out here as long as we can and remember this." I lost track of time then. Lamps and I were still singing and dancing and kissing our shirts. I got him in a headlock. We were like little kids again." Oh. Em. Gee.

If anyone knows how I can get my grubby paws on teh OTP this book I will love you forever. I can't even.

Right. So, since we're on the subject, and in light of yesterday's results \o/, here is the final pic I scanned from the Chelsea mag.

Reckon that's long enough for my return post. Now if I can just get to those comments. If I've missed any major life events for any of you all, I apologize. Please accept dream!Eidah as a token of my remorse so long as I can have him back when you're done kthnxbai.

otp, eidah, chelsea fc, real life, picspam

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