Le retour

Dec 12, 2008 16:06

I can’t believe I haven’t posted in over two years! I’ve still been around, lurking here and there, but I’ve had other forums for wittering on about my Chelsea boyos, and apart from that I haven’t felt the need to bore the universe with anything else going on in my life.

Lately, though, I’ve been bitten by the writing bug, so I think I’ll start using lj for that more than anything else. I may still go on about Chelsea or pop in with the occasional Real Life rant, but probably the majority of my posts will be presents to entertain _backpages_ at work. If they amuse anyone else, great, but if not, please feel free to do a flist cut-I won’t take offense.

Speaking of _backpages_, lookit the shiny new icon she made me! This was in no way done as bribery encouragement to write fic for one of our Most Favouritest Movies Evar, Banlieue 13, an excellent plug for which she posted-with pictures-here. In any case it worked, because I now cannot. stop. writing. about these characters. You guys, for serious, it’s becoming a problem. Particularly now that the official site for TEH SEQUEL OMG is up and providing behind-the-scenes footage every few days. *deep breaths* It is actually scaring me how much these films, and the wait for the new one, have hijacked my life. But who am I to resist the incredible amounts of awesome and badassity that are Damien and Leïto???

My self control has failed utterly, so I've decided to just go with it. Under the cut is the first of, apparently, many.

La Visite

Damien is sitting in the colonel’s office the morning the wall comes down. As he listens to his next assignment, he thinks with envy of Leïto and his new-found freedom in Banlieue 13. Assuming he survives this mission, Damien knows it will be some time before he can visit his friend. Then he remembers their parting at the blockade three weeks before, feels the pressure of Leïto’s hands on his arm, and decides that maybe a bit more distance wouldn’t be a bad thing.

Damien’s apartment is dark when he returns home late that night. He trudges into the kitchen without bothering with the light and stoops to pull out a beer. A pair of tattooed shoulders suddenly appears in the glow of the open refrigerator. Damien blinks, reaches for a second beer, and straightens up. Leïto’s eyes glint in the dim.

‘I didn’t come here to drink.’ Stepping close, he takes the bottles from Damien’s hand, puts them on the counter, and curls his fingers around Damien’s biceps instead. ‘You said you’d visit.’

‘I planned to.’ Damien tries to step away, but Leïto holds him in place.

‘Your plans always take too long,’ he says in a low voice. Then the kitchen goes dark once more as Damien crashes against the refrigerator door with Leïto’s mouth pressed hard to his and strong arms wrapped tightly around him. Damien lets his hands slide up to tangle in Leïto’s hair, returning the kiss with equal force, and isn’t inclined to argue.

So, anyway, hope you all are well. If you'd like to join me in Special Hell, there seems to be plenty of room. XP

fic, burninate, b13

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