(no subject)

Mar 05, 2006 20:07

I would give ANYTHING ANYTHING ANYTHING (I think including my first-born) to play Mary Poppins in a musical.

And it's coming to Melbourne next year.. or this year, or sometime soon, I can't remember, but it's going to be a big budget city spectacular one and they'll probably only hire like, NIDA and VCA graduates.


In other news, I'm a drama queen. You all knew that. *embarrassed blush away*

In other news, todays rehearsal was awesome... except hardly any of the chorus people bother showing up to rehearsals and the whole show is just falling apart. It sucks, because there's 3 or 4 of them who are making this stupendous effort and are being dragged back by the others. We were meant to have fully choreographed 'The Boy Friend' and 'Sur La Plage' by now, plus begun on 'Riviera' and the finale of act 2, and yet we only have 'The Boy Friend' fully choreographed AND EVERYONE ENDS UP RELEARNING IT EACH WEEK TO TEACH THE PEOPLE WHO WEREN'T THERE LAST WEEK. *breathing heavily* So ok, not cool at all. I have been in the chorus every year and I came to every rehearsal... seriously, I think when we did Little Shop I only missed half a rehearsal, and it was for an orthodontist appointment I had had to reschedule 3 times. When you miss a rehearsal, you just mess things up... just because you're chorus or you have "only one line", doesn't make you unimportant. There's no such thing as a small part... we need EVERYONE for a show to work, and some people are just NOT COOPERATING. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.

Lol, it doesn't sound like it was veyr awesome at all, does it? Well me and Jake had a lot of fun choreographing (albeit badly) 'I Could Be Happy With You', and it was so fun watching Ansuhka pretend to be Bobby. ^_^ Classic. And her walzy bit with Sharam is coming along really well too... it's so romantic. No... it's like... Tony and Polly are "romantic", Mme Dubbonet and Percival are a "romance". There's is like a long and sad love story... ours is like pure fluff. =D I'm loving this. We're having so much fun.

W00t, Camp is in two days. Only problem is we have a party on the last night, and the theme is Retro. What do I wear? GAH! Help me, people!

the boy friend, singing, i'm so cool, me, musical, musicals

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